
--♥ 東方神起 Please VOTE Them ♥--
--♥ [Korean Yahoo Poll] ♥--

I don´t need to say to U that our
Youtube admin is always PERFECT ne ???
Amu JaeJoongie♥ turn easy your doubt !!!
Sghe does this video for U can vote for
Tohoshinki in Korean poll !
Follow all this steps and please , let´s thank you for
Amu Jaeoongie♥ , right ???
She deserve it !
Domo Arigato Amu JaeJoongie♥ !!!
That´s why u are from our Team !!!

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Posted By:Sayuri JaeJoong
--♥ [TRANS] 100227 Shinjiroh Inoue Blog Update ♥--

T/N: This is related to the article

2010-02-26 20:56:51

Thank you all for your requests for Lambsey’s CLUB CITTA live concert, our "Tohoshinki self cover song corner".

The song "TAXI" is much more popular than I thought!
A song that was only included in the album should be so popular…I myself has written the lyrics for the song, and I am really surprised.
Are there many persons who have experienced such feelings?

For all the other songs, many people
have emotionally written their feelings.
It will be difficult to select which song we should sing~!
Should we sing all the songs?
(T/N: Inoue has provided Tohoshinki 6 songs in total.)
You are the one who will give me the supportive push! (Lol)

I am awaiting for your comments to my previous article. Thank you.
T/N: Up to this time, I can see 83 comments to the previous article, all the 6 songs are randomly requested. What is your favorite song?

Source: Shinjiroh Inoue’s Blog
Translation: smiley @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com
{ One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact.

--♥ Xiah Junsu's Shining Celebrity ♥--
--♥ Presence At The 'Mozart' Dinner ♥--

Popular idol group TVXQ's member Xiah Junsu's pictures that he took with the cast of musical 'Mozart!' have been revealed.

Xiah Junsu of group TVXQ, who boasts great popularity in Japan and sets new records and rewrites history every time they release an album, is not only a singer anymore; he has been praised for his efforts and acting skills in his debut musical. The pictures he took with the cast and staff of 'Mozart!' were put up on a cast member's mini homepage and are drawing attention.

Min Young Gi, a cast member of 'Mozart!', did not hold back any praise and said, "I was worried at first because Kim Junsu is the youngest and this is his first time acting. But the passion and talent inside of him is astounding. If I had to pick the best genius Mozart out of the four people who took the lead role, I can easily choose Junsu. He is Xiahzart, who sings with his entire body."

Fans who saw the photos gave various responses and said,
"These prove he's a celebrity," "The atmosphere is great," and "They all look so close and good looking."

Source: [Chosun Ilbo+Yuaerubi]
Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net
Shared by: tohosomnia.net + www.tvxqpowerfullgods.blogspot.com
Posted By:Sayuri JaeJoong
--♥ Xiah Junsu's succesful musical debut ♥--

Xiah Junsu overpowered the audience and stage
with his passionate performances in his debut musical Mozart!
Absorbed Character with Outstanding Control of Voice...
The creation of a new Mozart with his own color

Xiah Junsu was able to overpower and captivate his audience and the stage till the very last scene at the last show with a passionate performance. It seemed as though he, who was on stage most of the time during the 140 minute performance, even enjoyed just being on stage. His nervous tension of the past had disappeared and he conducted the stage with acting that brought out his strengths.

Although this was only his debut show, he was able to naturally lead the stage. Thanks to his careful tuning, was a comedy at times, and a tragedy at others. His charisma, that captured the stage as well as 3022 audience members, did not have any trouble in taking in the authentic Austrian musical.

Mozart, who shrieks from the feeling of being caught in a maelstrom of generations and dreams of love and freedom, was dynamically portrayed with ripped jeans and reggae hair. His expression became more relaxed and was enough to recreate the life of the genius composer who wrote the music of the universe. This was why the audience was able to become immersed in the performance more comfortably than before.

He effectively showed the tight tension that was created from Mozart's clashes with society and internal battles, and his naivety cheerfully relaxed the hostile relationship between other roles. His outstanding control over his voice and body gave him the ability to give restrained reactions that became the foundations for the other actors' detailed acting.

Each meticulous breath, for which he seemed to have calculated each in advance, and each minute trembling of his hand was a brilliant tool that helped him further develop his image as a tormented genius musician, and his amazing ability to absorb his character was able to further enrich the performance.

Perfect portrayal of a tormented genius musician
Xiah Junsu's amazing ability to absorb his character was able to further enrich the performance.
"I am Music"... Mozart's Soliloquy could be Xiah Junsu's confession

During his 15 performances, Xiah Junsu was able to silence the critics who pointed out when he first began that his delivery of lines was still lacking. He created a new and unique Mozart with his own color and style. This clearly shows how much he worked to perfect his role during the 15 shows.

Xiah Junsu's captivating voice moved the audience so that each audience member was able to connect with the show. The music rising from his lips made hearts beat faster. The 33 member orchestra only added more to the atmosphere.

He, whose explosive energy shook the stage, was no longer idol group TVXQ's Xiah Junsu. The reason as to why composer Sylvester Levay nodded, gave two thumbs up and highly praised the singer became more evident as the show progressed. Xiah Junsu proved that his ticket power that sold out all the seats in the theater was not merely from his popularity. He has earned his place amongst the audience's cheers and the critics' praises.

"I am the master in my music"
"I want to keep walking down my path!"
"Love me for who I am"

There were times when Mozart's soliloquies sounded like Xiah Junsu's own confessions.

Surprise ad-libs give audience a different and joyful experience
The ad-libs that burst out during tense scenes disarmed the taut tension in an instant and bettered concentration levels.
At the last Seoul performance 's 'Ad-lib' Explosion...
Disarmed taut tension in an instant

Xiah Junsu, who transformed into a genius musician who dreams of love and freedom and love in , enthralled the audience with his explosive ad-libs during his last Seoul performance on the 20th.

Xiah Junsu, who showcased excellent acting and replayed the life of a musician gifted by God, used his strong connection with his fellow cast members to give the audience a different and joyful experience with unexpected ad-libs.

The first moment that caught people's attention was scene 12. While Mozart mingled with the Weber family under disguise at a fair in Vienna and memorized four letter idioms, he unexpectedly said the words 'TVXQ' and 'Xiah Junsu'. The fans immediately cheered in delight.

During the scene in which Mozart meets Constanze and falls in love with her, he slightly lifted up her skirt as we see little children do when they are playing and perfectly portrayed a laid back Mozart.

The highlight was scene 14. After Prince Archbishop Colloredo's distraction causes Mozart to lose a chance to perform in front of the emperor, the musician confronts Colloredo and declares that he will never leave Vienna. During this confrontation, Xiah Junsu blurted out 'Bbanggoo Ddonggoo*' and Min Young Gi played off this and said, "Bbanggo Ddonggoo? What's that?" and "Chamberlain Arco, do you know what Bbanggoo Ddonggoo is?" and made the audience burst into laughter.

The ad-libs that burst out during tense scenes disarmed the taut tension in an stant and bettered concentration levels. The ad-libs amidst the rapid pace of the plot gave the show more life and made the experience more enjoyable.

The audience members said, "The unexpected ad-libs, which did not affect the original, made the atmosphere more cheerful," and "Xiah Junsu's light yet witty ad-libs were especially better portrayed a bright side of Mozart that made him more appealing."

*"Bbanggoo Ddonggo" is a name that Haeri from sitcom 'High Kick through the Roof' calls people she does not like and has become very popular in Korea.

Source: [ohmynews+DNBN]
Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net
Shared by: tohosomnia.net + www.tvxqpowerfullgods.blogspot.com
Posted By:Sayuri JaeJoong
--♥ Michael Jackson's Concert ♥--
--♥ Following Uknow Yunho Complete Cast is Confirmed ♥--

Boy group DBSK's leader Uknow Yunho has been confirmed to appear and Michael Jackson's tribute concert's complete cast has been settled.

On the 27th, according to Paragon Music Corporation who's preparing for the concert said that 2010 is the beginning of the first Korean and U.S. joint project and the complete Korean concert cast has been finalized which will pay tribute to Michael Jackson.

The concert title is 'A Tribute Band from Michael Jackson's This Is It Movie and U-Know Live.' The concert title has been changed in order to further highlight the tribute to Michael Jackson and the poster's image has also been changed to show the concert's title change.

The Korean tribute concert will include American artists Morris Pleasure (*keyboard), Ken Stacey (*vocalist), Vann Johnson (*vocalist), Tony Terry (*vocalist), Samuel Sims (*bass), Joel Campbell (*keyboard), Brian Moore (*drums), Jeff Pevar (*guitar), and Chloe Pappas (*guitar).

Other artists who will show spectacular dance performances include Miguel Reyes Santiago, Gianinni Semedo Moreira, Tymika Truss, Josue Vega-Torres, and Maki Saruwatari.

Particularly, band master Morris Pleasure was Michael Jackson's This Is It Band keyboardist. Las July 7, 2009, he was the prominent keyboard player who participated in Michael Jackson's tribute concert with the This Is It Band.

Talented vocalist Ken Stacey is one of the original four vocalists personally chosen by Michael Jackson (for the concert he was planning to do before he died) who participated in Michael Jackson's tribute concert last July 7 at Staples Center. U.S. vocalists and Korea's Uknow Yunho will perform King of Pop Michael Jackson's numbers which received lots of love from fans around the world in the tribute concert.

For the sake of the concert in particular, Uknow Yunho will leave for Las Vegas on March 5. In the U.S., he will join the concert team to practice the songs and choreography intensively. They will receive complete guidance from the world reknown Genevieve Cleary who is scheduled to work rigorously with the team on the choreography.

He (Yunho) is expected to return after rehearsing the actual performance several times. The remaining stars, Judith Hill who received lots of popularity for 'We are the World' and 'Heal the World' and best percussionist Bashiri Johnson who have performed in Michael Jackson's tribute concert were originally planning to appear in the Korean concert but had to cancel due to personal circumstances.

For the 2 days' performances of Michael Jackson's tribute concert which will be held this coming March 27 and 28 at Yongsan War Memorial Peace Plaza, the American staff and artists will arrived at Incheon airport on March 25 and they are expected to rehearse for two days on the 25th and 26th.

Trans Credits: lovelyunho

Representative Chang:
“We’ll bring Uknow Yunho, SJM and F(x) to display image”

The Shanghai world expo is an opportunity for both Korea and China to know more about each other.

Being the representative for the Korea’s booth in the world expo, Representative Chang Joon-sang stated on the 22nd at the media conference for the world expo that, “China is now Korea’s number 1 country. In the long run, it will become a greater and more important country.”

Representative Chang also stated that the EXPO not only affect the participating countries’ strength, but the most important reason is that this event may affect the economy of the country, just like how the Olympics can held affect the country’s economy.
In this exhibition, Korea will be represented through its products, image, as well as culture.

Korea’s booth will be all about image, and they have invited DBSK’s Uknow Yunho, Super Junior M and F(x) to participate in the events.

Source: Here
Shoutout by: Himawari22@sj-world.net
Translated by: Iunny-@sj-world.net
please take out with full credits.
--♥ [INFO] ♥--
--♥ TIME Magazine is Looking for ♥--
--♥ 100 Most Influential People in the World ♥--


Credits: TIME's Twitter
Shared: CassPH + www.tvxqpowerfullgods.blogspot.com
Posted By:Sayuri JaeJoong
--♥ [TRANS] 100222 ♥--
--♥ Xiah Junsu Mesmerizes Audience ♥--
--♥ At Last Seoul Performance of Mozart ♥--

The incarnation of love and freedom child musical prodigy Mozart, [Mozart!] the musical’s last performance in Seoul was on the 20th, and Xiah Junsu’s explosive live performance mesmerized the audience.

Child music prodigy Mozart’s legendary life has been presented in front of an audience, Xiah Junsu’s performance on that day won the unanimous praise of seniors, the dreamy live singing getting favourable reviews.

In the eye-catching chapter 12, at the playground, while dressing up a new stage, with a Mozart who reunited with the Beverly family, to match their silly image, four words “TVXQ” and “Xiah Junsu” were called out, causing the audience to collapse with laughter.

When Constantine and her loved one Mozart reunited, Constantine’s skirt rolled up a bit, a charming yet innocent joke by Junsu
I can see your underwear” was also made.

The most spectacular was Chapter 14. The Archbishop of Cologne was in front of the emperor for opportunistic theft of Mozart’s chance to perform. When Mozart found him in a fit of anger, in the situation of a opposition, the words “You are an idiot” exploded. The archbishop did not understand and asked, “What do you mean by idiot?” “Count Arco! Do you know what is an idiot?” When the lines came out consecutively the audience burst out in fits of laughter.

With structured conflicts in the extreme, such performances let audiences feel fast and tense dramatic action. Following the story’s epic progression, passionate live performances let the piece of work show fluent rhythm and made the musical doubly interesting.

The audience have said that “This kind of singing is in no way inferior to the explosiveness of a bullet, it makes people forget this is live, it’s like being in a dream.” “Especially Xiah Junsu’s natural yet not indifferent kind of singing, it’s like a child who hasn’t grown up yet, the pure image of Mozart lets people feel closer to the character.

Source: ohmynews & Xiahking
Translation: faithintvxq @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com
{ One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact.
--♥ Heaven´s Postman ScreenCaps ♥--

I found it for Us !!!
Good caps ne ???

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Posted By:Sayuri JaeJoong
DongJoo´s House

Doong Joo´s House seems a bit with
japanese style ^-^v
Credit: wjdgkssk44
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Paradise Meadow Update

PM cast and crew filming at Haevichi Hotel in Jeju Island.

Credits: as tagged + LYH baidu
Shard by: http://www.tvxqpowerfullgods.blogspot.com/
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--♥ [PHOTO]Yunho with Oh Boy Staffs ♥--

Oh so cute Yunho♥ always ne ???
Did U noticed how kind Yunho♥ is ???
He´s always kind and gentle !
Credits:astagged+ chara
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Posted By:Sayuri JaeJoong