
[TRANS] 100609
RAY Editor's Blog - "XIAH Junsu"


This is K that loves ikemen, Korean stars and such.
Last night the script for the August issue was finally done
All that's left now is to wait for the release day.
In that August issue, there will be a Xiah Junsu feature!
There's a special present project too!
Please wait for it!

Source: [RAY Blog + tvxqchamie]
Translation Credits: tvxq_luv@tohosomnia.net
Shared by: tohosomnia.net
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[Fanaccount] 100612
JYJ Thanksgiving Concert Day 1
~from swisschoco@soompi~

So many girls in soompi going to Tokyo Dome..
The thread become so quite.. seems like the same person post in the thread..
but now, here they are coming with fanaccount..
This fanaccount is from another girl in soompi, read it with joy.. ^,^

Hello..I just got back from the JYJ concert in Tokyo.
Im from the east coast of the USA and I have to say that i was
REALLY impressed by the audience in japan.
people would yell and scream at the right moments,
but for the most part the audience is quiet so that everyone
can hear the beautiful music. There also wasn't any annoying
signs or arms in the way so that everyone could see.
I was on the 3rd/4th level of the dome tonight
(have floor seats for tomorrow!) and luckily i
brought my binoculars. I got to the dome around
12 and had lunch there, scouting out the area and was
amazed by the lines to buy concert goods (little did
i know that those lines were as short as they were going to get).
I finally decided to join in the line for goods by 1:50 and
it went by faster than i has expected (about an hour and a half)
and some of the goods were sold out. Once inside the
dome everyone found their seats, and by the time the concert
started EVERY seat was taken. The stage was in the very
center of the floor with 4 branching stages.

After the lights went out a sea of red appeared and i was so happy and
amazed by it. the boys came on and had a great time.
i liked their costumes this time (no offence
but on some of the past tours the costumes are a bit...).
the boys sounded incredible live. it seriously brought
tears to my eyes and i'm not an emotional person. all the boys
looked good and healthy, i think jaejoong muscles are shrinking a
bit ;). the audience congratulated junsu on his win
for the musical award. sorry that i cant tell you more on
what they talked about but i dont speak or understand japanese. the boys looked like they were having a great time.
i have to admit that i thought it was strange seeing 3 instead
of 5 but the 3 managed to pull off the concert really well.
the girl yuchun chose to sing my girlfriend was in an absolute
state of shock, it was adorable. i saw junsu almost slipped
during intoxication but managed to catch himself. Its obvious
these guys were born to perform on the stage. cds and music shows
dont really do them justice.

Anyways, i'm exhausted and will write another fanaccount after tomorrows performance!

credits: swisschoco@soompi
posted by: FiFFyJunJun

JYJ Thanksgiving Live At Tokyo Dome Day 1

Aigooo~~ By reading Amu-chan fanaccount, i felt so excited, the same as amu-chan... I know she is really excited and having so much fun there...

For our readers, here it is our admin fanaccount.. Hope you enjoy it...

Hello My Gilrs here!!! OMG I'm so excited and happy because i see our JaeChunSu
so happy this time ^__^
Plaese wait for me coming soon....
Absolutely i faint when i see JaeJoong singing "For You" and when our boys throw
autographes balls again.
I can't describe my feeling all the time i was outside of Tokyo Dome
and waiting so much until the gates if Tokyo Dome "OPEN"!!!
Before going inside of Dome i confess i have attend concert of them when it was
Asia Tour ~O~ as Tohoshinki and i admit here how my feelings it was so complex and nervous becoz i was thinking in myself "i need support our guys even if HoMin is here" ....
But Tokyo Dome is filled from so memories of them i really can't explain my feelings of that with words anymore ok? (I hope understand why)
Anyway let's talk about JYJ they was so awesome and so happy our boys tonight
and i'm supaaaa GLAD for that becoz not crying anymore...

They singing for onece again EXCELLENT PERFORMANCE!!!
I adore the time when JaeChun dancing part and JaeChun guiding all the fans singing along with them during of "Lalala" Part of Colors song ne?
My Joongie so gorgeous and handsome everytime i see him from closer definitely
everyday this MAN being more pretty and pretty ((O_O))
About Yoochun no doubts when singing "My Girlfriend" screaming so much as and fans around me (When return to my home i can't voice anymore for speaking) My voice is OFF now from the screamings

About Jun-Chan one thing i have to say when dancing "Intoxication" Total DIED when i can see him dancing so SMEXY ..... I have one HeartAttack...
It was so amazing experience for one more time...This thing engrave of my memory and never never forget that anymore...
Sorry girls my photo shoots i'm trying to do it's not so good becoz i can see them clearly from the monitor as no so good from the stage i was somehow long of them
But anyway i have more have fun and talking and with other BIGEASTS members here.. But the monitor screen it was definitely GIGA *winks*

And talking about how BIG AND HUGE is Tokyo Dome the people looks like ants when see them from above (LOL) XD It's so crazy... Abouts seats as some people says that is truth we have here so many crowd sometimes i think i can't breath (hehehe) But never mind is enough i can watching our boys there and starring so much my Joongie!!! I screaming and for U my angies here becoz i know U don't have the chance coming here...
I'm so tired for now i need some rest before talking more for that ne??
Gomen ne.... The Tokyo Dome Day 1 is done already
And now i'm waiting my angels here tell me for Day 2
I now how whaterver do now our JYJ is for the future of DBSK!!!
I have one good presintement..
The List Of Songs ( I hope remember correct the line of the songs)

君がいれば (Beautiful Love)
悲しみのゆくえ (Kanashimi no Yukue)
JJ Solo "For You"
Tokyo LoveLight
Been So Long
Rainy Blue
君がいるだけで (Kimi ga irudakede)
I have nothing
Yuchun "My Girlfriend"
JJ "Maze"
JaeChun "Colors"
Get Ready

Yuchun announcement in during of Concert that JYJ will have their Japan Concert Tour soon. They'll go to 20 places in totally and now we need waiting for the official confirmation of that Concert Tour
YC said:"Although there are many worries, but being able to perform again is really awesome. I'm worried for those fans who are unable to watch it this time as there are only 4 shows for it. I hope that we'll be able to go to 20 places to reciprocate everyones' love".

PS:Please wait for more thing until take my rest
i'm so exhausted today but and so so PROUD for our JaeChunSu

Source & Credits:AmuJaeJoongie@TVXQPowerfulGods
Posted by:


[PHOTO] 100612
JYJ Thanksgiving Concert at Tokyo Dome

Aigooo... Amu-chan, are u there?? hehe..
They looks like ant... right??




ImageHost.org ImageHost.org

credits: DNBN
posted by: FiFFyJunJun

[TRANS] 100609
Sung Hyun Joo Mentions
Micky Yoochun In Interview

Sung Hyun Joo, who has a theater major, is nurturing an other dream of being a comic actress. She is planning on fully embodying the role of the jester of 'SungKyunKwan Scandal' with comedian Ryu Dam. Her words were full of passion for her work as she said, "I go into shooting thinking that I am learning new things every week."

Sung Hyun Joo stated, "I learned a lot from watching Micky Yoochun, who always takes the initiative to set a great example though he's a top star and the lead role." Although she worried at first that he might be arrogant, she was won over by his efforts to actively work hard at all times. Sung Hyun Joo confidently said, "I like him, will not lose that first resolution that I made when I chose this production and will take one step at a time towards my dream."

Source: [nownews+Yuaerubi]
Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net
Shared by: tohosomnia.net
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[TRANS] 100611
OCTOPUS' Dummer Paying Attention To Jejung


Matsuki Yuudai - Dummer (Far right)

Blog Update:

2010-06-09 22:19:48


Misato-san, I am dun dun dun dun magnificent~! (laugh)
I'm Yuudai ☆ (t/n: his Kanji name means magnificent)
Although there seems as if something doesn't feel right, today's weather can be described as a rainstorm... (laugh)

I'm recently paying attention to Jejung

The picture is the 24 cans of Asahi beer I received a couple of days ago

Source: [baidutvxq + ameblo]
Translation credits: Supernike911@tohosomnia.net
Shared by: tohosomnia.net
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[TRANS] 100611
Kitagawa Eriko And Sunao
Crew Will Attend Dome Concert!


I will go to the JYJ live, but I'm not exactly sure whether it will be on Saturday or Sunday. Sunao Ni Narenakute's crew will also go. We won't be together so we'll go separately. However. Yeah.

Source: [Eriko's twitter + baidutvxq]
Translation credits: Supernike911@tohosomnia.net
Shared by: tohosomnia.net
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B580.bmp (10 KB)
[PHOTO] 100612
JYJ Thanksgiving Tohomobile


ganbarimasu! ^,^

via twitter
(TVXQbaidu @sicashinki)


This is a great news for you..
I bet who living in Japan was so lucky...

credits: POPLEZ
posted by: FiFFyJunJun
B580.bmp (10 KB)
[TRANS] 100612
ARENA37° - YunHo’s Interview

“Thank you everyone for being able to attend this.”

- Then, lets get straight to the topic. Firstly, describe how you felt about the work after reading the script, and what is the charm of the character Cha Bong Gun.

“Okay. The first time I read the script, I felt that the character (Cha Bong Gun) was really an innocent person. Even though it was tough, even though he faced dead-ends, he always overcame these obstacles; he would work hard with all his life, and through his efforts and belief in himself, he grew and matured. I really wanted to play this character because I felt that there was a lot of similarities in our stands.”

- This is a character who faced many different kinds of problems, for example, the disbanding of the soccer team et cetera; do you have any tough past experiences which you can joke about now?

“Experiences as YunHo? Then it should be the times before my debut, when I was still a trainee. I am only where I am today because I kept working hard while maintaining the thought of ‘When will I be able to debut on stage to sing’. It was the toughest during that period. Furthermore, I lived far away, and it took 4 hours just to travel to and fro, so that was also pretty tough. At that time, I had nothing except for belief in myself, and I got to where I am now based on my passion. In that case, I’m not that much different from Cha Bong Gun.”

- Was there anything you did to create the character, or say immerse yourself in the character that you were playing?

“I was once very into soccer players. The filming period was coincidentally during the a-nation activities. I would practice with the ball backstage, and would also practice the way I walked. All these were done according to the style of Bong Gun.”

- Other than this, impromptu singing and dancing with costumes, you have been through many of such elaborate settings, so how did you feel towards acting?

“Through playing Bong Gun’s character, I learnt a lot of new experiences. For example in the scene where I donned on a chicken costume for my job, that is something I don’t usually do. To me, these new experiences are all very precious. To be able to reflect as another person is not just work to me, but it’s closely related to my own life and my growth [as a person].”


- We heard there was a huge number of fans who entered the filming scene, and there were a lot of people who acted as the masses.

“Yes, I was very happy. The fans gave me a lot of strength. Also, the staff told me, ‘you really have very good fans’.”

- It is probably very pressurizing debuting in your first drama series; share with us your feelings about being an actor.

“There is definitely some differences between an artiste and an actor. While you work as an actor, there will be many staff on the set whom you are meeting for the first time, so I would want to interact with them as I finish filming episode 1 to episode 16 smoothly. Moreover, this is the first time I am taking the main lead, and although I had gradually developed some acting skills through being in variety programmes in the past, the atmosphere [on the set] is completely different. It was very pressurizing in the beginning. But I thought to myself, if I work hard, then I will be able to express my intentions to everyone. Thus I completed the filming by working very hard, by being very focused, and by enjoying it thoroughly.

An artiste would need to express a lot of things in about three minutes (of the duration of a song). I think an actor needs to do the complete opposite. An actor needs to maintain a rhythm like that of breathing, and through the entire process from the beginning till the end, express happiness and pain. This is what is different from being an artiste.”

- In the process of acting, in which areas do you think you have matured in?

“This time it was the very innocent and pure Bong Gun, who slowly matured through the process of meeting many people. Like I have mentioned before, this part grew along with me as a person and in my own life. I have also experienced many things I have never been through before. The filming might have ended, but Bong Gun still exists in my heart, and if the character of Bong Gun can continue to stay in everyone’s mind as time passes, I would be happy. I also want to work hard to try out other works, something that is a complete 100% change from Bong Gun, and challenge different types of characters.”

- In the future, as both an actor and singer, which will be your focus? Do you have any plans which you intend to carry out?

“Frankly speaking, I have been a singer for 5, 6 years now, and to say ‘I prefer acting’ would be a lie. However, this time I experienced a charm that is different from being an artiste, and I would like to work hard on it properly. Of course not just in being an actor alone, but I would also want to improve my standards in every other aspect, and that is the YunHo I want to be.”

- Although there were many highlights in this drama, do still list out some scenes which one must look out for.

“I would still recommend everyone to focus on the scene where we played soccer. In that scene I did not rely on any stand-ins; basically I did everything myself. I would somewhat like to try out something realistic. That was probably the impression I had. It was a scene where I had to perform a high-level skill, and I repeated the scene till I was able to do it properly.”

- There was also a scene in the drama where you performed “Checkmate”.

“It was probably very shocking, right? (laughs)”

- Was this part included in the script initially?

“No, it was not there initially. However, when the director saw the way I danced, he suddenly said to me, ‘That, it’s not bad to do that too.’ (laughs)”

- How did it feel dancing to your own song as your character?

“It was quite embarrassing, to say the truth, but because it was Bong Gun and he needed to sing a new song, so I tried my best to act it out based on that feeling.”

- Performing in a television drama, participating in MJ’s Memorial Concert, you really challenged a lot of things; what other challenges do you have in mind for this year?

“If a good opportunity arises, and if I have faith in myself, I would like to try out everything. My personality is such that even if a good opportunity arises, but I personally feel that ‘it’s still not time’, then I won’t do it. Even if there is opportunity and luck, I still have to work hard myself, grab hold of the opportunity and show a different image of YunHo to everyone.”

- How do you plan to launch your activities from here on?

“I’m still not too clear now. I would probably meet everyone as a singer [still]. After all I am still a singer now (laughs).”

- Lastly, you might feel a bit embarrassed to say this yourself, but what do you think are the charms of YunHo as a solo singer?

“For this, not just as a solo artiste, but it should be in all that I do. Maintaining my passion, working hard, challenging new things, these are probably my charms. But these, like many others, are naturally expected. Every time, every time, [I will aim for] a higher goal, challenge a different image, and continue to work hard. This part is something that I am proud of. I really want to be someone who works hard.”

Source: ARENA37° + baiduTVXQ
Translation: kimuchi3005 @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!


[SCANS] 100610
JYJ Thanksgiving Concert Featured on Josei Seven





Source: TVXQ@Baidu
Posted by: FiFFyJunJun

[RANK] Mnet Japan Ikemen
(Flower Boys) Program Voting Results

1 - 「JaejoongDBSK
2 - 「Lee Junki」
3 - 「Kim SungJe」ChoShinSung (SuperNova)
4 - 「Kim Heechul」SuperJunior
5 - 「HyunBin」
6 - 「Kim JungHoon」
7 - 「MinHo」Shinee
8 - 「Kevin」Ukiss
9 - 「Se7en」
10 - 「Min KyungHoon」

Source: 100years + dnbn.pe.kr
Translation Credits: SheMustBeJaeded@shadesofjaed.com
Shared By: Shades of Jae’d + TVXQPOWERFULGODS
Posted by: FiFFyJunJun

[TRANS] 100611
Sunao Ni Narenakute Ep. 10 Synopsis


In Emotion’s restroom, Nakaji finds Linda who had passed out in a pool of blood, and rushes him to the hospital. Haru, Doctor and Peach who were notified by Nakaji also hurried to the hospital.

Linda’s mother, Misako, is very grateful to Nakaji for sending her son to the hospital and at the same time is very touched by Haru and the others who rushed to hospital.

For the upcoming test to become a teacher, Haru has been constantly studying. During that time, Doctor decided to return to Korea for some time. Doctor told Haru that he wanted to introduce her to his parents, to show her the environment he used to live in, and that he hoped that Haru would follow him back to Korea. Haru agreed to his request, but…

Source: Sunao Ni Narenakute Official Website + Maze!
Translation: tvxqhwaiting @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!

[TRANS] 100609
Xiah Junsu, Another Challenge As A Musical Actor

On the 7th of this month, the grand opening of the musical celebration and award ceremony “The 4th Musical Awards” was held at the Sejong Cultural Centre in Seoul. Xiah Junsu, who challenges from being an idol singer to a musical actor, is posed to face the camera lens.

Called “South Korea’s Tony Award” (Broadway Award which was founded in 1947), the “Musical Awards” is to help make continuous development in South Korea’s musicals and to congratulate the musical efforts and achievements of the actors, and it was first started in 2007, and is now currently the undisputed best Korean musical feast and award ceremony.

Source: Review Star + Baidu XiahJunsu
Translation: tvxqhwaiting @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!

[NEWS] 100611
Jung Yunho - Musical 'Goong' Poster


The musical 'Goong', which is garnering great attention for casting TVXQ member U-Know Yunho for its lead role, has revealed its teaser poster.

With a unique fantasy setting of 'Korea of 2010 is a Constitutional Monarchy', the teaser poster perfectly captures the crossover concept as it shows Chae Kyung, who becomes a princess overnight, wearing an elaborate wig and imperial family uniform but also holding a mobile phone and teddy bear. On this original drawing from the comic book, they added the title of 'Goong' with imperial designs which reflected their confidence of becoming Korea's best domestic musical.

Netizens have been showing a heated response to the recent announcement of the musical's cast including TVXQ's U-Know Yunho, saying things like "The sync between the characters in the book and the cast is amazing. I can't wait for the musical," and "It's definitely worth the wait. I can't think of a better person to be a prince than U-Know Yunho, with his prince-like looks, great singing and dancing skills and polite character."

They also expressed their expectations for the domestic musical by saying, "Please make this a great musical. So that it becomes the stepping stone to further diversify domestics musical contents!" and "I can't wait because this will be a domestic production, and will be different from all the other musicals that are imported from other countries. I hope that it becomes a production that will aid in the development of the Korean musical culture."

The musical will be co-produced by MaeilKyungjae Media Group (Daily Economy Media Group) and Group8, and will begin showing on September 8th at the Korean National Museum.

Source: [starnews+DNBN]
Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net
Shared by: tohosomnia.net + TVXQPOWERFULGODS
Posted by: FiFFyJunJun

[TRANS] 100611
Hanako Interview: Jung Yunho

Born in South Korea on 6 February 1986
Blood type A
Debut in South Korea on 4 January as DBSK
Debut in Japan the following year
Participated in Kōhaku Uta Gassen consecutively for two years (2008, 2009)
Successfully held performances at the Tokyo Dome last year
Performed in the Michael Jackson Memorial LIVE performance jointly held by South Korean in March this year

Debuting as an actor through being the main lead in the television drama [Heading To The Ground], Yunho, who began accumulating new experiences as an actor, is one who has manners, a straightforward attitude, and a maturity that is beyond his age.

“No matter what obstacles I have faced, Bong Gun has given me a lot of encouragement.”

Yunho, who appeared in the studio in high spirits, is just like a gentle breeze in the early fall, emitting a mint-liked flavor that is fresh and sweet. His actions and mannerisms was presentable as always, and he is a youth who excels at everything.

He continues to maintain his perfect body shape, and a smile shines brightly on his small and delicate face.

Despite his outstanding virtues, unexpectedly, in his first step as an actor, he chooses the character of Cha Bong Gun, a simple and average-intellectual soccer player.

“No matter how hard it was, Bong Gun had an attitude of absolute focus on soccer – even if he had nothing, he would continue to work hard while holding on to the dream that someday he would be up on stage, and that resounded strongly with my past when I was still a trainee. I felt that this character could help me to mature too.”

Be in jumping into the sea, or escaping from a fire, such intense, exciting scenes in a drama series are bound to cause worry and anxiety to the fans.

“It was really scary falling into the sea. But because I was still a newcomer in terms of acting, thus I felt that it would be a fortune for me as an actor if I was able to complete every scene on my own. That was why I rejected the suggestion of having a stand-in.”

After spending half a year making every effort to play out the role of Bong Gun, currently, [Bong Gun] still resides in the heart of Yunho.

“It was only in the eighth episode that I felt for the first time that, ‘Bong Gun is now a man’”. Even though it was just a scene of a competition with another soccer player, up till now, however, the determination felt by Bong Gun then is still deeply etched within my mind.
Every time I meet an obstacle, this scene would come back into my mind. As long as I think “if it was Bong Gun, he will definitely overcome it”, I would continue to walk on with a positive attitude.”

When asked if he had unusual experiences during the process of the filming, Yunho said,”I would become a bit chauvinistic when I interacted with people.”

The progression of the filming for the television drama went on simultaneously with discussion with the staff.

“Initially I would just take action, like in the scene where I jumped into the sea, but now, I have slowly learnt to listen to what the other party has to say from the beginning.”

When the television drama was on broadcast, friends and family members were all very happy to be able to watch Yunho’s debut performance.

“Initially, everyone watched it with an expectation of “Look, it’s Yunho”, but from the fourth episode onwards, it became “Look, it’s Bong Gun”, so I felt very happy then. (Laughs) Compared to my own character, Bong Gun is someone who would bring more sorrow to people. I still hope to challenge my acting skills, and I really want to try the sorrowful role [of a man] who deeply loves a woman even though his feelings are not expressed in a obvious manner.”

Just to mention also, Yunho is currently passionate about food.

“That is because while I was in Las Vegas for the Michael Jackson Memorial Concert, I was deeply obsessed with Indian cuisine. [I was also obsessed] with South Korea’s very famous offal hotspot, wings and those type of food. I prefer going around to try different types of cuisines, then introduce them to my friends if I manage to find any better stores, than listen to other people’s recommendations. That is how I am. (Laughs)”

Lets talk about the much-awaited World Cup, and the thoughts of Yunho, who personally like soccer very much. Bong Gun was a mid-fielder, but what position does Yunho think suits himself most?

“Probably the goalkeeper. The goalkeeper is someone who watches over and out for his team-mates, and that’s most like the style of a leader.”

source: baiduTVXQ
translation: kimuchi3005 @ OneTVXQ.com
credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!