
[TRANS] 101204 MASTER POST JYJ Twitter Update

[TRANS] 101204
JYJ Twitter Update

This post will be updated throughout the day with tweets by
Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu ^^
A time will be added with each tweet as our translators will not always be able to provide instant translations
This post includes tweets from 6am KST,
December 4th to 5:59am KST, December 5th.

Jaejoong Drinks Late into the....morning, Finally Decides to Scold Himself and Go Home
(Jaejoong) Today, I'm having a glass of soju by myself near my house..
And so many thoughts are crossing my mind..All these joyful, happy,
sad and painful thoughts.. (5:43am KST)
(Jaejoong) Maybe I'm just talking nonsense.. I should hurry home now since I have to leave at 11.. (5:57am KST)

Yoochun's out (Erm... I wouldn't consider 2pm 'Breakfast' sweetie)
and Junsu wants to Join
(Yoochun) Our Sangho Hyung!!!! We're starting off with breakfast at a famous restaurant!!!
(2:12pm KST)
(Yoochun) Aha~
(2:16pm KST)
(Junsu) @6002theMicky Yoochun~ Where are you!!!!! (2:22pm KST)

LOL, Nice, and aren't his feet cold? (Flip Flops... IN DECEMBER?)
(Jaejoong) Neighborhood boys playing in the neighborhood playground http://yfrog.com/ne8h80j
(2:36pm KST)
(Junsu) @mjjeje Oh my god.... lol (2:44pm KST)

OMYGOD IT'S NOT A CAT FOR ONCE!!!!!!! *huggles*
(Yoochun) Santa Norae!!!
(7:23pm KST)
(T/N: Norae is the name of his dog and it means 'Song' in Korean)

Source: [Jaejoong+Yoochun+Junsu's Twitter]
Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net
Shared by: tohosomnia.net
Do not remove/add on any credits

[FANACCOUNT]101204 JYJ Seoul Showcase Fanaccount

JYJ Seoul Showcase

I wrote this part of my fanaccount while I was in the plane back home..

My journey in Seoul [November 2010]

Flying back home.. flying away from Seoul, from the boys, from my Jae :( .. so I decided to write my fanaccount while i am in the plane.. write about my beautiful journey in our boys' cherished and lovely country and most importantely my two days and nights living, feeling and enjoying the concert.. and to be honest, right at the moment, i am extremely depressed to leave Seoul.. to fly far away from the boys.. to fly far away from this wonderful dream.. i wish there was another concert night.. plus one more.. and more and more.. and.. some dreams are so beautiful that you never want to wake up.. but sadly i have to go back home, work hard and save money for the next concert.. if the boys come to Europe for a concert, there is no way i can miss it.. i wont miss it.. right now i am suffering badly the withdrawal syndrom.. its sad to feel this way, but i have no doubt that all of you who ever saw our boys performing live knows perfectly this feeling.. their performances are so amazing and mindblowing, there is absolutely nothing that can compare to the overwhelming and heavenly emotions fulfilling and running through your body, heart, mind and soul.. a unique and incredible experience.. once you have tasted it, you know you're intoxicated forever.. you know there will be another time, because the feeling they give you is just too fullfilling and addictive.. once a fan, forever a fan..
anyway.. i will start my experience talking about my journey in Seoul.. talking about the anecdotes and moments related to the boys..

Arrival at Incheon Airport
I arrived at Incheon Airport on november 20th (just one day before our boys return in Seoul).. what a wonderful feeling to finally breathe the same air as them.. my very first time in Seoul.. finally i was there to attend the greatest event.. when i first read about the concert few weeks before, i was really not supposed to go, it was very unreasonable (as it was way too close from the "Thanksgiving Live" in Tokyo).. but there is a long time i lost my reason for the boys.. and i decided i couldnt miss the chance to see them again in concert, even if i am broke after this.. Daily Tofu convinced and tempted me.. thank you for this *hug*
anyway, so back to the airport.. how i wish the boys could have arrived the same day as me though, so for the very first time i could have met them at the airport and see Jae's fashion show.. but they arrived the day after, very early in the morning.. making impossible for me to go and wait for them (Incheon airport is 2 hours away from Seoul.. they arrived before 6am..)
so when i finally arrived at Incheon airport around noon, the first thing i asked for was a map of Seoul.. and while i was in the bus driving us to the city, my sis saw right away there was a little picture (Lotte advertisement) of the boys on this map.. such a nice way to explore the city - soul of Asia - "accompanied" by the boys as guides.. somehow.. i felt very much welcomed.. lolz.. what a beautiful surprise already.. lolz..

JYJ on the maps of Seoul
Visit to Jamsil Stadium
the day after, once i understood how worked the subway, i went right away to Jamsil stadium to meet the venue where our boys would be performing for the concert.. and honestly i was impressed by the huge size of this stadium.. even more impressed than i was by Tokyo Dome (Tokyo Dome is huge.. but this is nothing compared to Jamsil stadium..).. it left me speechless and scared.. i dont know if there is one artist in the world who can fullfil this venue.. our boys have guts for sure.. well, that day already we could see trucks bringing stuffs to prepare the venue.. but other than this, the whole area around those stadium is very very calm and quiet when there is no event (almost no soul at Sports complex subway station..).


The main stadium.. the venue.. totally calm and quiet that day

Nature Republic Shops
After seeing all the pictures taken by people visiting this shop, i knew i had to stop there and eventually try to run away with Jae's cardboard.. lolz.. knowing it was risky, i thought i should at least get the so beautiful Nature Republic photobook.. and so I went to Myeongdong.. Nature Republic shop is the first one you see when you take exit n°6 in Myeongdong station.. you cant miss the huge poster of the boys.. then of course, i wanted to take pictures besides the cardboards.. Jaejoong's cardboard (as there is no way i could steal him and runaway with him.. lolz).. but, there was this Nature Republic employee at the door, waiting to give you a shopping cart.. so i didnt dare to stand besides Jaejoong while my sister was taking a picture.. lolz..


the cardboard in front of Nature Republic shop

well, finally she took few pictures and we came in to see how we could get the photobook (placed as temptation in front of the cashier) - and it appears we need to buy for 200.000 wons of Nature Republic products in order to get the priceless treasure.. considering the products are not that expensive, you may imagine the amount of products you need to buy to get the photobook.. seeing us wanderring around like this, one of the employee understood what we were aiming for.. so i tried my luck and asked if i could get a photobook paying 200.000 wons without buying all those products.. they said no - disappointed.. but i couldnt buy so many products as my luggage weighted slightly more than 20kg already.. and i have 3 hand luggages with me in the plane - so in the end, i bought few products and the guy asked me if i wanted a poster and who i wanted.. i said Jaejoong.. so he kinda giggled repeating Jaejoong.. lolz.. and gave two Jaejoong's posters (as my sis was with me too.. she is more Micky than Jaejoong, but anyway.. he gave two Jaejoong's.. and she is happy with it.. lolz)..




while i was paying for the products, "love in the ice" was playing in the shop.. its not easy to listen this song now without feeling overly emotional.. such a wonderful song, bringing back those memories of our boys live performance...
anyway, many other times strolling in Myeongdong, i realized there are at least 3 Nature Republic shops in this shopping area.. also near one of them, i listened "Ayyy Girl" being played.. so i pretended recording the area with my camera.. lolz.. but finally we dont hear that much the sound..


Other Nature Republic Shops in Myeongdong

anyway, this is also in Myeongdong (underground in the subway station) that i finally could buy the version C of "The Beginning" (its not easy to find CD/DVD stores in Seoul.. or i didnt know where to look for..).. in this small shop, there is indeed a lot of TVXQ/JYJ goods (be it their japanese or korean albums, you can find them there.. you can also find posters and every kind of goods.. but i was waiting for the official goods at the concert, so i controlled the shopping fever)..

Coex Shopping Mall : Evisu and Lotte
Few days later, I saw again "The beginning" version C in Coex shopping center (in the Evan shop).. the albums were placed in a stand near the entry, you couldnt miss it (if the boys are banned from TV, at least the shops in Seoul give them a great exposure).. i didnt buy it here though, as i was waiting for the concert to buy more copies.. also, in the Coex shopping center, you can find an Evisu shop.. not easy to take pictures there (then again, i didnt dare at first.. i pretended to look around and took a picture of Yunho's poster quickly.. lolz)..

Yunho's Evisu

still in Coex, i got few Lotte Dutty free flyers with our boys pictures on it.. but coming in and strolling around luxury branded stores, i left quickly.. i definitely cant afford LV and so on products.. lolz..

Time Out Gelato

another must visit is Micky's Time Out Gelato in Apgujeong.. thanksfully its not very difficult to find.. you just have to take exit n°5 of Apgujeong station, walk straight till the first turn, and its at your left.. the place looks small (i dont know why i imagined it bigger than this), but its warm and very friendly..

Time Out Gelato window

once inside, you're surrounded with beautiful posters and pictures of Micky.. the icecreams there are an absolute delight (when you buy one, they give you a postcard of Micky)..

One of the huge and beautiful picture frame

Time Out Gelato delicious icecream

Goodies you can buy

Postcard they give when you buy an icecream

while we were at Time Out Gelato, there were some k-cassies and bigeasts eating icecreams and taking pictures besides the frames (i wanted to take a picture of Lee Seun Joon's frame.. but the table was taken already.. so of course, i didnt want to take a picture of it with someone sitting there.. i didnt dare).. also, while we were there, i chatted a bit with a k-cassie.. she asked me if i was a fan of TVXQ, who was my bias (so i showed her my iPod wallpaper, and she showed me her handphone wallpaper.. Jaejoong all the way for both of us.. lolz).. we chitchatted a bit, she said she was a cassie since 5 years.. she asked us if we were going to JYJ concert this weekend .. i nodded, showing where we would seat.. she and her friend were going too, for the sunday performance.. it was short, but a very beautiful encounter..

Seoul Tower
some other day, i visited some touristic spots of Seoul.. romantic places for a date according to the boys.. Seoul Tower.. not easy to reach it.. and you must be very in love to climb there (or your date must be Yunho).. lolz.. but its worth the pain.. and i do agree, it must be very romantic to go there, hang a lock representing your love.. or stick a little tile where you wrote few words and stuck a couple picture on it.. on one of those tile, there was a picture of TVXQ too.. i couldnt resist taking a picture..

Also when i arrived there, paying for my tickets, Chajatta was playing.. later, when i was in the observatory, going down the stairs, i found myself face to face with Jaejoong's Nature Republic cardboard (yes yes.. i was surprised to see another Nature Republic shop in the Seoul Tower...

Nature Republic shop in Seoul Tower

And while i was taking pictures of those Nature Republic cardboards "To you its goodbye" started playing.. my Jae's voice and i went right away to Heaven.. such a nice day.. so later (and a bit too late i thought), i went to the Han River (Jaejoong's perfect place for a date) .. but it was night already.. and it was very cold.. you must be very in love to appreciate the date when its that cold (or the date must be Jaejoong.. and its hot for sure).. the place is very beautiful at night, but i regret i didnt have time enough to see it during the day, and biking along the river.. next time, i'll certainly do this..
another short anecdote relative to Yoochun.. while visiting Changdeokgung palace in Seoul, i bought some souvenirs.. asking to my sis if the price was ok, saying "c'est bon?", the woman asked me what it meant (speaking french a bit), so i said "kenchana".. and she asked me where i learnt that korean word.. so i replied "watching drama".. she asked me which drama, i said few dramas titles, not forgetting "Sungkyunkwan Scandal", so she was like "ooohhh Sungkyunkwan Scandal".. lolz.. she was surprised i could watch it in France.. but she seemed like a fan of the drama (from the way she said "oooohh").. Talking about Sungkyunkwan scandal, i forgot to say before, but in Seoul Tower, there is the Teddy bear museum.. with a lot of Teddy Bears, and you can buy some in the end.. i bought one dressed like teachers in Sungkyunkwan Scandal.. very cute i thought..
To be continued tomorrow with the concert part.. still writing it *blush*

Posted By:Sayuri JaeJoong


[TRANS] 101203 MASTER POST JYJ Twitter Update

[TRANS] 101203
JYJ Twitter Update

This post will be updated throughout the day with tweets by
Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu ^^
A time will be added with each tweet as our translators will not always be able to provide instant translations
This post includes tweets from 6am KST,
December 3rd to 5:59am KST, December 4th.

;A; Junsu's getting real deep these days
(Junsu) I really like the glow of the setting sun.. Because when the sun sets, that red glow envelops everything and it feels as though the most tender warmth within it is applying fertilizer on my heart.. Though the sun always sets in the end.. that is what makes it more beautiful http://yfrog.com/3mpmcyj
(11:08pm KST)

It's Over? Aww :(
(Jaejoong) The nationwide tour is over ^^
It was fun (2:49am KST)

Source: [Junsu+Jaejoong's Twitter]
Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net
Shared by: tohosomnia.net
Do not remove/add on any credits

[NEWS]101204 JYJ’s Junsu has been donating to charity for two years

JYJ’s Junsu has been donating
to charity for two years

It was recently reported that JYJ member Junsu (23) has been secretly contributing his share to charity for the past two years.

According to ADRA Korea, a private international aid group of the UN Cooperation, Junsu has been supporting their ‘Building Houses of Love’ project, which is a project that officially commenced in May in the Dangjin Kun District and primarily focuses on improving the environment of disadvantageous neighborhoods.

Thanks to Junsu and his fans, who have been collecting donations since 2008, ADRA made a decision to utilize the funds to rebuild a house for a family named ‘Kim‘ who is currently living in Go Dae Myun in Dangjin Kun.

Kim’s family of nine had been living a very difficult life in a leaking house, however, with the help of Junsu and his fans, ADRA Korea were able to rebuild them a new kitchen, bathroom, living room, and a study room. The house is scheduled for completion by the end of December.

Junsu’s fans even visited Kim’s family on November 21st and had an enjoyable time with Kim’s children. What made the visit even more special was that Junsu’s parenhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifts were also present, and they helped deliver scholarships to the children.
Junsu also worked alongside ADRA Korea last year for their ‘Repair and Improvement’ project in underprivileged regions of Cambodia.

Source: Newsis
Posted by:



Whoaaa!!! hahaha Am I a Crazy girl ImageHost.org?
Yes Of course I am LOL
For this time I tried something more different
than usual ...
Tohoshinki as Mermen hahaha
Are Them sexy ? YES!!!!
Then what you´re waiting for ?
Enjoy ladies it´s for you ImageHost.org


Posted by:

[PHOTOS]101204 JYJ Concert in Seoul ProgramBook PART V

JYJ Concert in Seoul

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Posted By:Sayuri JaeJoong
