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Posted By:Sayuri JaeJoong♥


Posted By:Sayuri JaeJoong♥

[TRANS] 110629 Josei 7 – Park Yong Ha’s Mother Talks About Jaejoong

“Jaejoong is a warm hearted child. He shows his concern by saying “Mother, Please remember to eat well.” One day, he sent me a text, saying “Auntie, what do you like? I’ll bring it over.” And I replied “Let me think about it.” He soon called and asked “Auntie, how about crab?” and I said “Ah, that’s good.” With that, he immediately brought me to a beautiful restaurant for a meal.

Source : [BaiduTVXQ + Josei7]
Translated & Shared by : dongbangdata.net

[TRANS] 110628 Kim Jaejoong Says, “Junsu Sent Me A Text As If Something Was Terribly Wrong But In Fact…”

JYJ’s world tour, which has finally completed its two month marathon, has been revealed.

The episode of KBS2′s ‘Live News Feed’ that aired on the 28th showed scenes from ‘JYJ WORLD TOUR CONCERT IN GWANGJU’, that took place on the 26th at 7pm at the Yeom Joo Gymnasium in Gwangju.

In the interview that took place before the concert, Kim Jaejoong revealed Kim Junsu’s ‘off the wall’ charm as he said, “One day, Junsu sent me a text message saying ‘Hyung’ with ten exclamation marks following it.”

Kim Jaejoong said, “I thought something was wrong and sent him a reply that said, ‘What?’ He replied by saying, ‘Hyung, Hyun Joong’s number has changed. Tell me his new one.’”

On this day, JYJ members also talked about their feelings of ending their world tour. They showed that they have matured throughout the tour as they said, “It feels like I’ve learned so much throughout these months,” and “I feel as though we must work harder. It made me think that I should work harder and live a better life.”

JYJ’s Park Yoochun is currently acting in MBC’s Monday-Tuesday drama ‘Miss Ripley’ while Kim Jaejoong will be taking his first steps into the domestic drama industry with the SBS drama ‘Protect The Boss’. Kim Junsu will be greeting his audience at the Seongnam Arts Center’s Opera House through the encore performance of the musical ‘Mozart!’ till early July.

Source: [tv daily]
Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net

[TRANS] 110628 Shrieking ‘Oppa Troops’ Have Become Benevolent ‘Good Deed Troops’

The fandom culture, that used to chase after stars, is experiencing a change. The generation of ‘Sasaeng Fans’(Fans who chase stars’ private lives) and just writing letters to stars is over. Recently, fans have been spreading the culture of giving back to the community and getting their stars a better image and more publicity.

◆Rice instead of flowers…
Even creating a scholarship fund in their celebrity’s name

These days, it’s hard to find ordinary flower stands at musical concerts or concert venues. This is because fans have been replacing these flower stands with ‘rice stands’ through donation drives.

At the venue of the successful musical ‘Mozart!’, the entrance of the building is decorated by the ‘rice stands’ donated by Kim Junsu’s fans. ‘Rice stands’ from other stars such as Eom Gi Joon, Song Chang Ui and Park Eun Tae fill the entrance as well. These ‘rice stands’ have been distributed to social welfare centers, retirement homes and to the elderly who are living alone.

Kim Hyun Joong’s fanclub became a hot topic last year when it created a scholarship fund with their favorite star’s name titled ‘The Kim Hyun Joong Scholarship Fund’. After donating 14 million Won to a childcare center, they have been monetarily supporting students who leave the center due to their age.

Fans of JYJ’s Park Yoochun have been donating at regular intervals since 2010. They collected a total of 40 million Won this year and after donating 10 million Won to a social welfare center last year, they’ve been helping child patients since then.

Lee Minho’s fanclub ‘Mizuno’ donated 20 million Won to celebrate his birthday. A different fanclub of Lee Minho also donated alms to a devastated district through Unicef and they’ve been avid supporters of the Green Energy campaign.

◆Take care of our star..Sending lunchboxes to staff

When stars spend the night filming on location, fans prepare lunch boxes for the members of the staff as well. Everyone knows about fans making lunch boxes for their celebrities to ensure that they don’t skip their meals, but recently, fans have begun preparing lunch boxes for staff members as well. They take care of their stars’ image by leaving a message with the stars’ names on each lunch box.

These lunch boxes are delivered to a variety of locations such as concert venues, and filming locations for movies or CFs. At the press conference of ‘You’ve Fallen For Me’, which features CN Blue’s Jung Yong Hwa, fans impressed the reporters and production company crew by providing everyone with lunch boxes.

Not only do these fans help maintain the image of their stars, but they also help the morale of the star. As more fans buy lunch boxes in large quantities for their fans, new ‘support lunchbox businesses’ have sprung up.

◆Money is no issue… They even create newspaper ads

It has become a natural thing for fans to celebrate stars’ birthdays or promote albums through advertisements. Fanclubs collect money for a variety of mediums such as newspapers, buses, and electronic scoreboards.

‘Girls’ Generation’ fans have been garnering attention for making newspaper ads for the birthdays of the members. Last year, their fanclub ‘HwaSuEunHwa’ created newspaper ads for members such as Seohyun, Sunny, Soo Young, Jessica and Yoona.

When Yoochun, Jaejoong and Junsu, who have transformed from ‘TVXQ’ to ‘JYJ’, released their music essay in January, fans hired 120 buses across the nation to hang advertisements for the group on the side of the vehicles. To make it happen, it was said that the fans collected a total of 200 million Won. After this, JYJ fans also placed ads in 21 subway stations.

A broadcasting representative stated, “Though the current mature culture of the fans who think of their star’s image is desirable, there is still fierce competition amongst the fans in certain areas,” and “I hope that the fandom culture becomes something mature and truly for the star and his or her well-being.”

Source: [etoday]
Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net

[TRANS] 110629 Drama “Miss Ripley” Song Yoo Hyun, Natural “Chaebol” Face

(T/N: “Chaebol” is defined as a family-owned conglomerate, but is used in this context to refer to a person who comes from a rich & powerful family. )

MBC’s Monday-Tuesday drama “Miss Ripley” has been enjoying high viewership ratings and popularity. In this drama, Jang Miri’s “lies” reflect how a society that focuses on paper qualifications forces her into forging her resume.

Also, playing the male lead in this drama is “Mr. P”, who is an actor-cum-singer in an idol group, and is one of the front runners as a Hallyu star. Due to his participation, there has been more attention on this drama.

In the drama, Song Yoo Hyun is the heir to Mondo Group, which owns resorts all over the world. Song Yoo Hyun has an attractive appearance, tall stature, a rich family background, abilities that surpasses the masses as well as a kind character. For Song Yoo Hyun to be able to express this warm charisma of a conglomerate heir so perfectly, what is his secret? Although his performance as a conglomerate heir is good, but could it be his appearance that makes this performance so outstanding?

When analyzed from a cosmetic surgery angle, he has a natural “chaebol” appearance. Last year, he was also chosen as “the male artist whose face is prettier and gentler than a woman,” making him a hot topic. Without any “sharp edges” on his face, exuding a fashionable city image, his clear white skin and well defined features make him a perfect canvas to portray a “chaebol.”

Due to the role, he is often seen in crisp, smooth suits, and his “straight shoulders”, tall stature and slim figure accentuates the fit of the tailored suits. Also, his polite mannerisms and kind voice, warm and calm expressions etc, are all important elements that enable him to play the role of the conglomerate heir perfectly.

Park Wonjin, from Wonjin Plastic Surgery said, “Slender and gentle facial lines, a fuller upper lip, as well as slightly high cheekbones are elements that bring about a boyish look from a “gentle and small” face. Especially since Song Yoo Hyun’s face is extremely close to the golden ratio of 1:1:1, a small face coupled with well defined features, brings about a modern and fashionable feeling.

Viewers who are immersed in the drama will judge the drama on how well the actors fit the roles that they play. The natural “chaebol” role of Song Yoo Hyun has attracted significant attention and definitely had an impact on “Miss Ripley.” Analyzing the characters’ appearances, images and roles is probably part of the entertainment when watching a drama as well!

Source : [baiduTVXQ + newswire]
Translated & Shared by : dongbangdata.net

[TRANS] 110628 Kim Jaejoong Says, “I Met Yoochun, Who Was Too Busy Because Of His Schedule, At A Bar By Chance”

JYJ’s world tour, which has finally completed its two month marathon, has been revealed.

The episode of KBS2′s ‘Live News Feed’ that aired on the 28th showed scenes from ‘JYJ WORLD TOUR CONCERT IN GWANGJU’, that took place on the 26th at 7pm at the Yeom Joo Gymnasium in Gwangju.

In the interview that took place before the concert, Kim Jaejoong talked about a happening in which he met Park Yoochun by chance at a bar.

Kim Jaejoong said, “Since the Busan concert, I didn’t have a single phone conversation with the other members,” and “But I bumped into Park Yoochun by chance three times.”

To this, Park Yoochun burst out laughing and said, “I was tired from filming my drama but I didn’t want to waste the spare time that I had, so I went out for a glass of beer with my friends. But there was Kim Jaejoong, sitting in the bar we had just entered. I was really surprised.”

He continued to add, “The owner of the bar thought that I had come with Kim Jaejoong, who had been sitting alone, so he took us all to his room without even asking.“

JYJ’s Park Yoochun is currently acting in MBC’s Monday-Tuesday drama ‘Miss Ripley’ while Kim Jaejoong will be taking his first steps into the domestic drama industry with the SBS drama ‘Protect The Boss’. Kim Junsu will be greeting his audience at the Seongnam Arts Center’s Opera House through the encore performance of the musical ‘Mozart!’ till early July.

Source: [tv daily]
Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net


WOW!!!! Handsome!!!!
( )
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Credits: as tagged+ soratomax
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As you know our blog supports with love all members and we gonna keep supporting^^
Then be free to chose your 'lover' in this poll from gan-mag.jp and vote ^^
You can chose Yunho or Yuchun
If you don´t understand japanese i made a fast tutorial for you ok?^^
Enjoy ne ^^



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Source: gam-mag.jp
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[news]110630 TVXQ’s Yunho has been practicing figure skating in Europe

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TVXQ’s Yunho will be making a triumphant return to the rink on SBS’s ‘Kiss & Cry‘.

After transforming into a b-boy, Yunho made both the judges and the crowd roar by performing complex breakdancing stunts all the while gliding on the ice.

Yunho had previously ranked eighth in the first competition and further brought the concerns of viewers when partner Claudia Mueller attended the mid-assessments alone.

Although he hasn’t been able to participate in the skating rehearsals due to his busy concert schedule with SM Entertainment, he has been revealed to be practicing his dancing while wearing skates in his hotel room or in the streets while in Europe.

Yunho said, “I’ve never worried as much as I did this tihttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifme before. While working overseas, I continued my rehearsals and knew that I could trust my partner Claudia.”
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Source + Photos: TV Daily via Nate
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[NEWS]110630 “Poseidon” gets revived for KBS broadcast this September!

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After the disappointing news of action drama “Poseidon” officially getting canceled for filming and broadcast early last month, it looks like the drama has been revived after all!

The plot of “Poseidon” is based around the self-sacrificing work lives of four elite maritime policemen, and had originally cast Shinhwa’s Eric, Kim Ok Bin, Kim Kang Woo, and TVXQ’s Jung Yunho.

A representative of the producing team stated, “As Korea’s first ever maritime drama series, we believe viewers will be able to feel a sense of satisfaction as they follow a string of mysterious police cases. Viewers will be able to confirm for themselves the grand scale and roughness of Korea’s beaches.”

Because of the uncertainty hanging around the status of the drama earlier, the original cast had all left for other projects and work is being done to get a new cast on board as soon as possible.

The blockbuster drama has been scheduled for broadcast this September on KBS 2TV, after the completion of the upcoming drama series, “Spy Myung Wol”.
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Source: Today Economy via Nate
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[VIDEO]110630 SMTLIVE IN PARIS Backstage

Exercising Room

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JeJung and his Secretary haha \0/
What do U think? Will be JeJung like this? haha \0/

Posted By:Sayuri JaeJoong♥


Honestly...Junsu is pure talent!
I´m so proud of him...

Posted By:Sayuri JaeJoong♥


I made some fanarts for Us and U can use it like wallpaper/youtube desktop/or simply save in your fanart´s folder haha \0/
It´s about JYJ solo activities so I hope U like it

Theme:Goodbye Miss Ripley

Theme:Mozart Musical

Theme:Protect The Boss

Posted By:Sayuri JaeJoong♥