

Changmin looks a bit tired♥~take a rest honey

Credits: as tagged +neverend+ chubee
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[TRANS] 110809 Will JYJ Concert Be Held In Japan

T/N: The article is a part of the notice from ZAK Corp, “Notice for Registration for premium members”, (annual membership fee: 3600 yen) so that the members can receive first hand information for ZAK Corp’s hosted concerts and events.

Future Lineups (as of Aug 8, 2011)

(few sentences omitted)

*Concerning the event for JYJ, it is not decided yet. However, we are earnestly under negotiation so that we can inform you by the end of Aug. We cannot reply to any of your emails and phone calls until we announce (T/N: the details) from our side. We thank you for your kind understanding.

Source: ZAK Corporation
Trans: smiley @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com
{ One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact.

[TRANS] 110808 Park Yoochun Becomes Pretty Boy Teacher, Fresh Romance With Female High School Student?

JYJ member Park Yoochun showed a fresh charm as a rookie teacher.

On 8 August, Park Yoochun appeared in a TV CF for a brand of beverage with the image of a rookie teacher, caught in a close shave episode with a female high school student while on a bus.

Continuing from the first set of CFs, where he played the role of a pretty boy trainee teacher, in this second set of CFs, he becomes a newly appointed teacher. In this CF, Park Yoochun has a close encounter with a female high school student while taking a bus, which was resolved after drinking the refreshing beverage, showing Park Yoochun’s unique charm.

This CF was filmed in Ilsan on a hot day with temperatures of over 30 degrees. The actors and staff had a hard time, but Park Yoochun still managed to perform very naturally despite the intense heat.

A representative for this CF said, “Before the actual CF was aired, Park Yoochun’s performance in the teaser for this second CF had already attracted a passionate response.

Also, Park Yoochun is currently taking a break after the filming of the MBC drama “Miss Ripley”

Source : [BaiduTVXQ + Star News via Nate]
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[TRANS] 110804 Jung Sung Geun, “If This Keeps Up, Japan Will Start Arguing That KARA And TVXQ Are Japanese Idols”

SBS anchorman Jung Sung Geun’s words of hidden meanings against Japan have become a hot topic.

For his closing comments on SBS’ ‘Nightline’ on the 1st, Jung Sung Geun stated, “Japan is fanatical about the Hallyu Wave. If this keeps up, they will start arguing that KARA and TVXQ are Japanese idols. Like how ‘kimchi’ is written as ‘kimuchi’ on their labels, bibimbap could soon become a food of Japanese origin,” and “Whether this is a revival of imperialism or an ambition to expand their land, even this is extravagance by Japan. It’s no different from immature children throwing a fit, and what we must do is use historical and realistic reasoning and documents to laugh Japan’s actions off with the global community.”

Anchorman Jung Sung Geun’s closing remarks were more meaningful as that same day, three Japanese officials from the Liberal Democratic Party who demanded that Dokdo belongs to Japan returned to their nation after refusing to leave the airport for nine hours when they were denied access into Korea by the government.

After hearing of Jung Sung Geun’s comments, netizens said, “He’s so cool”, “SBS News is okay after all”, and “I agree.”

Source: [my daily]

Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net


JeJung and his love for beautiful machinessss [as I am too (*≧∀≦)LOL]
His Bentley is a great and strong machine !

Credits:astagged+baidu+Cherie + Sooying + 爱在silence
Posted By:Sayuri JaeJoong♥

[TRANS] 110804 What Does Kim Jaejoong Of ‘Protect The Boss’ Want To Protect?! “JYJ And Our Fans”

Actors Ji Sung, Choi Kang Hee, Kim Jaejoong and Wang Ji Hae of SBS’ new Wednesday-Thursday drama ‘Protect the Boss’ have chosen their families and fans as the people they want to protect most.

‘Protect the Boss’ began airing on the 3rd and started off with a good start of 12.6% for viewer ratings.

Amidst this, the leading roles of the drama revealed what they would like to protect the most.

Ji Sung said, “I really want to protect my family like my father, my mother and my little sister,” and “It is because of my family that I exist, and they’re the reason I live. And I want to stay by my fans’ side.”

Choi Kang Hee replied, “I think I want to protect myself first above anything else,” and “It’s because I can only protect my family, my friends, the drama, and our radio show’s fans if I am able to protect myself.”

Kim Jaejoong said, “I don’t want to lose the memories of standing on stage with Yoochun and Junsu, my fellow JYJ members who I debuted with. And I want to protect my family and the fans who like us for who we are.”

Wang Ji Hae stated, “Like everyone else, I want to protect my family the most. Not only that, but my friends and fans are people I need protect as well.”

Source: [asia today]
Translated * Shared by: dongbangdata.net


SME uploaded the U-know and Max Shilla Duty Free CFs



Credits: SME Youtube
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[TRANS] 110804 JYJ’s Kim Jaejoong Receives Passing Marks For His First Acting Challenge, ’2011 Is Mine’

‘Protect the Boss’, Kim Jaejoong’s domestic drama debut, began airing on the 3rd.

Starting off well with 14.5%(Nielson, Seoul) viewer ratings for the first episode, ‘Protect the Boss’ became the most searched term right after the episode finished airing and succeeded in becoming a hot topic. In the drama’s viewers’ thread and various portal sites, a continuous string of great reviews came from the netizens who said, ‘I didn’t know that time was passing’, ‘It was so funny that I had tears in my eyes’, ‘This is going to be another awesome production’. But this successful beginning was expected for the drama.

Watching the preview video that was shown during the press conference, the shoulders of reporters who were on the scene began shaking with laughter and many of them were heard saying ‘The drama is better than expected,’ and ‘It’s going to be a big hit,’ as they left. And as expected, ‘Protect the Boss’ caught two rabbits at once with its first episode, great viewer ratings and matching reviews.

Kim Jaejoong, who is taking on his first challenge in the domestic drama industry, is also receiving a great response. He showcased stable acting that was surprising for someone who was making his debut as an actor as he played out his role of ‘Cha Mu Won’, who is gentle and perfect compared to ‘Cha Ji Hun(Ji Sung)’ and his ridiculous character.

Considering the fact that this will be the first time we properly see Kim Jaejoong’s face on TV since his lawsuit with his former agency began, and the fact that he’s the last member of JYJ to begin his individual activities, the attention garnered at Kim Jaejoong was more heated than ever.

Breaking records for rice donations, the 6.56 tons of rice wreathes that were presented in Kim Jaejoong’s name from 28 countries even surprised the representatives of the drama as they filled the entrance of the press conference hall. The fact that the drama’s official Twitter account was flooded by supportive messages from fans all over the world before the drama began airing proved the popularity of this man, who is called ‘the prince of Asia’.

To not let the anticipation of his fans fall flat, it has been heard that Kim Jaejoong has been preparing for his acting debut for a long time. Thankfully, he’s received praise from his senior actors such as Cha Hwa Yeon and has also received passing marks from his viewers.

Also, Kim Jaejoong was seen promoting his new drama and JYJ with honesty and sincerity during his interviews with 24 media companies. At the press conference, he took care of the reporters who were present and approached them first with a bright smile, making people forget for a moment just how big of a star he is.

Kim Jaejoong, who is about to hit it big as an actor as he already has as a singer, is still hungry for more. This is because it’s only been the first episode, which means he has so much more room left to grow. Also, it isn’t only activities in the acting industry that are left for him, a string of activities as a singer awaits him as well. It has been found that a Korean JYJ album and worldwide tour are coming soon.

Kim Jaejoong himself has always said in his interviews, “Right now, my head is filled with thoughts about our drama. But I always have the wanting to sing at the back of my mind. The stage is the place I will always go back to, and it’s the place I treasure the most.” His talents as an artiste shine through as he composes, writes lyrics and even directs performance.

With his drama starting off to a great start with two digit viewer ratings and his activities as a singer coming up, Kim Jaejoong’s 2011 is busier and more fulfilling than ever. His fans and the public watch over him with a smile on their faces, waiting to see where he’s heading.

Source: [top star news]
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[TRANS] 110808 Kim Bum Soo & Lena Park • Kim Junsu, Strong New Contenders On Music Charts

New contenders have appeared on the music charts. From MBC’s “I am a Singer,” Kim Bum Soo and Lena Park’s duet as well as JYJ Kim Junsu’s OST song have made it on the charts, and took the number one spot, proving their popularity.

When searching the music rankings at 8 am of 8 August, Kim Junsu’s “You are so Beautiful” made it to the top spot of dosirak, followed by Kim Bum Soo and Lena Park’s “People, Love” at number 2, then 2NE1’s “Ugly,” Super Junior’s “Mr. Simple” and Sunny Hill’s “Pray” respectively.

On Bugs, Kim Bum Soo and Lena Park’s “People, Love” was at number 1, followed closely by Kim Junsu’s “You are so Beautiful” at second place, then “Ugly,” “Pray,” and “Mr. Simple.”

At Soribada, it was recorded that “People, Love” was first, Kim Junsu’s “You are so beautiful” second, then “I will Wait” by Ha Dong Kyun (ft Lee Jung), Mr Simple and Ugly.

(Irrelevant portions omitted)

Kim Junsu became a hot topic when he participated in the SBS weekend drama “Scent of a Woman” OST Part 2, with “You are so Beautiful.” Released at midnight of 5 August, it stormed Daum, Naver, dosirak, Bugs Music, making it to no.1 on all the real time charts, and was also praised for its’ “branded vocal power.”

Source : [BaiduTVXQ + Osen]
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[TRANS] 110804 Kim Jaejoong Of ‘Protect The Boss’ Says, “Thank You For The Favorable Reviews”

JYJ’s Kim Jaejoong, who has transformed into a successor to a conglomerate, thanked his fans for the favorable reviews and revealed that he feels more greedy about his acting.

In the first episode of SBS TV’s ‘Protect the Boss’ that aired on the 3rd, Kim Jaejoong has received favorable reviews for his role as Cha Mu Won, the successor to a conglomerate. To this, Kim Jaejoong said through his agency, “I’m deeply grateful for the favorable reviews that I’ve been getting from our viewers.”

He continued to add, “But hearing these reviews makes me feel even more greedy about my acting skills,” and “I’ll work harder and try harder to receive a better response.

Kim Jaejoong plays the role of Cha Ji Hun(Ji Sung)’s cousin and rival in ‘Protect the Boss’. He is depicted as the object of affection for the women at his workplace as a department head.

He then chose No Eun Seol(Choi Kang Hee), who criticized her interviewers for judging her on her academic scores and not giving her a chance to talk, as a special employee, making all the other female workers envious of her.

Source: [TV Report]
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[TRANS] 110804 ‘This Is Expected?’ Well-Mannered Hands Of Male Stars – Ji Sung And Kim Jaejoong

‘Well-mannered hands’ talk about the effort male stars make to not touch the bodies of their female counterparts as much as possible, even when they’re in close contact, in order to respect the female stars. They’ve been used mostly by male stars who act alongside actresses.

After the ‘well-mannered hands in subways’ controversy occurred, ‘Style M’ released a batch of photos for “‘This is expected?’ A collection of male stars and their well-mannered hands’. Choi Daniel, Kim Hee Chul, Lee Seung Gi, Jung Il Woo, Kim Myung Min and Song Chang Ui garnered great attention from many. Stars’ well-mannered hands have recently become an issue once more. Who could there be?

Recently, a post was made on an online community titled, ‘These are well-mannered hands! Kim Jong Guk’ and showed a photo of Kim Jong Guk with Jiyeon on his back. In the photo, Kim Jong Guk is seen with various versions of well-mannered hands, either having them holding Jiyeon up with his hands placed lightly on her legs or in front of his stomach with minimal contact.

Park Shi Hoo, who made a recent comeback as an actor with ‘The Princess’ Man’ took a photo with Park Shi Yeon, Nam Gyuri and Lee Sung Min at a party recently. The actor showcased well-mannered hands by not putting his hand on Lee Sung Min’s back as she was wearing an outfit that revealed the skin on her back.

Actor Lee Dong Wook had well-mannered hands when he didn’t come into physical contact with Kim Sun Ah as they held various poses at the press conference of ‘Scent of a Woman’. At the press conference of ‘Protect the Boss’, Ji Sung and JYJ’s Kim Jaejoong awkwardly linked arms with Wang Ji Hae.

It isn’t only female stars that male stars are using well-mannered hands with. Project group ‘Homme’ garnered much attention when well-mannered hands were used within their group. 2AM’s Changmin was seen using well-mannered hands on Lee Hyun, making it look like his hands were touching his counterpart when they actually weren’t.

Source: [style m]
Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net

[TRANS] 110804 Photos Of JYJ At Their Fanmeet Become A Photoshoot, ‘Sculpture-Like Handsome Men’

JYJ(Jaejoong, Yoochun, Junsu) proved why they are ‘sculpture-like handsome men’ during their fanmeet.

JYJ held a fanmeet and fan signing event with premium casual-wear NII at the Lotte Department store in Youngdeungpo, Seoul on the 30th of July. 5,000 domestic and overseas fans who were invited to the event flocked to the venue to see them with over 100 Japanese fans within the crowd who had flown to Korea to see JYJ, proving the group’s status as Hallyu stars.

With an emcee to help out, the fanmeet had various events such as “Receive the lucky signatures”, “We’re curious about JYJ”, “Lucky draw Polaroid picture” and “Photo zone life-size event” and JYJ shared an intimate moment with their fans through an honest interview.

Near the end, JYJ expressed that they felt the fanmeet had ended too fast and gave their fans a final farewell, promising better things to come with their acting and albums. The fanmeet ended in success with fans wistfully leaving the venue after JYJ.

Meanwhile, Jaejoong, one of the members of JYJ, is currently acting in SBS’ new Wednesday-Thursday drama ‘Protect the Boss’.

Source: [osen]
Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net

[TRANS] 110804 During An Interview With Ji Sung, Choi Kang Hee Says, “Kim Jaejoong’s The Good-Looking One”

On the 3rd, Choi Kang Hee appeared on the SBS entertainment news program ‘One Night of TV Entertainment’ with her fellow actor Ji Sung from the SBS Wednesday-Thursday drama ‘Protect the Boss’.

Choi Kang Hee and Ji Sung acted out a hypothetical scene in which she was a radio DJ and he was her guest.

After greeting Ji Sung brightly like a real DJ, Choi Kang Hee asked, “I heard that you’re acting alongside a beautiful actress in your new drama?” But Ji Sung looked slightly taken aback and gave a sparse answer of “Yes. I’m filming with the beautiful actress Choi Kang Hee,” and ruffled her feathers.

To this, Choi Kang Hee showed a hurt reaction and said, “Goodbye.” She made those around her smile as she said, “If someone doesn’t like me, it’s better to just let them go.”

Changing roles with each other, they continued the hypothetical scene with Ji Sung as the DJ this time. After greeting Choi Kang Hee, Ji Sung asked, “Ms. Choi Kang Hee, I heard that you’re filming your drama with a good-looking actor these days.” To this Choi Kang Hee said, “Yes, YoungWoong Jaejoong,” and embarrassed Ji Sung, making everyone laugh again.

Source: [Mydaily]
Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net


Credits: as tagged + haroo + it´smax + january +yeonlia +ranny +paboya +simzang +206 prcent +
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