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Posted By:Sayuri JaeJoong♥

[TRANS] 110918 Nikkei Business Magazine: Hallyu Stars Popularity Report- “TVXQ Wins Hands Down"

The October issue of famous Japanese magazine “Nikkei Business Magazine” attracted much attention with their report about Hallyu stars. TVXQ and Shinee were among the many other artistes that appeared on the front cover of the magazine, which included a report and analysis about K-POP hallyu stars.

The result of this report was induced from K-POP females fans aged 15-59 years old. The magazine expressed, “The recognition were 100% for TVXQ, Girls Generation and Kara especially.”

In The K-pop male singer popularity category, TVXQ clinched first place, followed by Big Bang, 2PM and Beast. Actor Bae Yong Jun clinched first place in the most well-known Korean artiste, followed by Lee Byung Hun, Jang Geun Suk, Jang Dong Gun, Won Bin, Ryu Si won, Kwon Sang-woo, Jung Yunho, Song Seung Hyun clinching 2-10th place respectively.

Source: [baidutvxq]
Translation credits: smallricee@tohosomnia.net
Shared by: tohosomnia.net
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[TRANS] 110921 Post Of JYJ Tweets

This post will be updated throughout the day with tweets by JYJ. A time will be added with each tweet as our translators will not always be able to provide instant translations This post includes tweets from 6am KST, September 21st to 5:59am KST, September 22nd.

(Junsu, 8:42pm KST) You can now buy tickets for JYJ’s concert in Barcelona.
I hope lots of people come to our concert. See you soon. ^^

Source: [Junsu's Twitter]
Translated + Shared by: dongbangdata.net

[TRANS] 110920 JYJ Appears In 8 CFs Despite Not Appearing In Broadcasts

JYJ has become a blue chip in the advertising world.

After being the advertisement models for a medicine company, JYJ also appeared in the print advertisement for LG Smartphone Optimus.

Although models in print advertisements do not directly appear in advertisement broadcasts, JYJ’s identity as models allowed them indirectly to appear in broadcast events and MVs. This advertisement has made its first appearance through the MV of “Get Out”, which will be included in their special album “In Heaven”, to be released on 27 September.

Currently, JYJ have been modeling for 8 CFs, including a clothes brand, drink, cosmetics, medicine and a smart phone brand. Besides having solo activities amongst members, the concern for them has been increasing due to the lack of broadcast activities.

A related personnel of their management company expressed, “Broadcast suggestions have been streaming in, including the advertisement of a medicine brand.” A related personnel in the advertising market expressed, “Appointing JYJ as models has a direct effect in sales. Although they do not have any broadcast activities, their activity level is high as advertisement models.”

Source: [baidutvxq]
Translation credits: smallricee@tohosomnia.net
Shared by: tohosomnia.net
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[PHOTO]110921 東方神起 in M-on Monthly

Credits: as tagged+via@twitter +soompi +DC+weibo
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[TRANS] 110919 TVXQ Breaks Record, Appearing On Front Cover Of Two Japanese Magazines “JJ” And “Ray”

TVXQ will appear on the front covers of two Japanese women magazines “JJ” and Ray” which will be sold on 23 September. Choosing the same models for front cover of magazines to be published at the same time were usually a taboo in Japanese women magazines, hence this is the first time the market tried something new by choosing TVXQ to appear on the front covers of two women magazines at the same time. Also, this will be the first time that TVXQ appears as a duo in both magazines.

Editor of “JJ” magazine, Fujiwara, revealed that the issue of “JJ”, which has its background in black, displayed the tough image of TVXQ. It portrays the coldness and stable, charismatic side of them. She revealed that they have tried their very best to bring out the coldness in them, but for some unexplainable reason, there was still a little secretive and passionate charismatic side of them.

It is unusual for a duo group to appear on the front cover of “JJ” magazine, with black being the background cover. This time, we have portrayed such a tough image on the front covers, and the magazine will include a poster and a 3D photo. In the 3D photo, the both of them are seen stretching out their hands, allowing readers to feel as if they could almost reach out to them.

On the other hand, “Ray” has its background colour in white, projecting the clean image in TVXQ. Fujiwara expressed, “The boys possess much chemistry; all the pictures are intriguing, making it hard to pick just a few out of the photos.”

TVXQ’s new album “Tone” has three different colours, namely red, yellow and blue, while “JJ” and “Ray” has black and white covers, allowing us to see a colourful variety of TVXQ.

Source: [baidutvxq]
Translation credits: smallricee@tohosomnia.net
Shared by: tohosomnia.net
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[TRANS] 110918 ’2011 Peace Star Cup’ For The Second Half Of 2011 Begins.. Autumn Soccer Season Has Begun

The second half of the 2011 Peace Star Cup, a celebrity soccer team competition, kicked off on the 17th at the Suwon World Cup Stadium.

With FC MEN clinching the ultimate victory in the first half of the year, a fierce battle has begun amongst the players once more to be crowned the winners of the second half of 2011. Anticipated as a match between the power of young idols and the expert ease of older veterans, the first matched ended with an unexpected landslide victory by Superstars as they beat FC MEN by 5:1. Scoring two goals in the first half and three more near the end of the match, Superstars easily beat the energetic idol team. Though many had anticipated FC MEN to pull through in the second half, it ended with one penalty kick by Park Jung Jin. But the spirited play by the blonde-haired captain Kim Junsu and the other players had the 1,300 spectators showing their support and enjoying the game.

Kim Yong Man’s Miracle FC and Seo Kyung Seok’s FC Libero, eternal rivals of comedy, had a fun but tense match that ended with a 2:0 victory by Miracle FC. The players’ funny goal ceremonies and exemplary sportsmanship had the spectators rooting for both teams.

MBC Sposrts+ will be airing today’s matches and the broadcasting dates can be checked on the competition’s homepage (www.peacestarcup.com) to enjoy the funny commentary by comedian Kim Kyung Min and anchorman Shin Seung Dae. The preliminary rounds will be held from the 27th of September till the 11th of October and the king of all kings of the second half of 2011 will be decided on the 15th of October.

Source: [sports world]
Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net


Thissss iss a Kissuuuuuuuuu Mrs.Wang Ji Hye knows how to kissu a MANNNNNN haha \0/
Smart Girlllll!!![POKES]
Gomen ,gomen I love her too LMAO!

Posted By:Sayuri JaeJoong♥

[TRANS] 110918 JYJ Top The Weekly Social Charts Without A Single Broadcasted Activity

JYJ have won the honor of topping the weekly Social Charts.

According to Olleh Music on the 18th, JYJ’s ‘Get Out’ has topped the weekly Social Charts for the third week of September (9/11~9/17).

Second place went to Beyoncé’s ‘Listen’ while third was Celtic Woman’s ‘Nella Fantasia’, a track chosen by Park Colleen in her compilation album.

These were followed by Sung Si Kyung’s ballad ‘Oh My Goddess’ in fourth and Josh Groban’s ‘Hone To Stay’ in fifth place.

A representative of KT Music stated, “The Social Chart’s rankings are chosen by what songs netizens are recommending and listening to on SNS and a variety of genres, such as dance, pop and crossovers, are gaining popularity,” and “What catches our attention is that JYJ were able to top the charts for the third week of September without partaking in any broadcasted promotional activities.“

Source: [star mt]
Translated & Shared by: dongbangdata.net

[TRANS] 110917 Surrounded By A Squadron Of Thai Police, Park Yoochun Puts The Local Airport In A Standstill

Park Yoochun has proved his immense popularity in Asia.

On the 16th, Park Yoochun set off to Thailand for a scheduled fanmeet. With the drama ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’ already airing in Thailand, Park Yoochun was able to secure an individual fanmeet there and thousands of fans rushed to Suvarnabhumi Airport to greet him on his arrival.

Fans shouted out his name and the name of his character in ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’ as they greeted him and Park Yoochun replied to their calls with a bright smile. Police recorded that around 3,000 fans were there to greet the star, causing a temporary standstill in the areas around and in the airport. Airport officials assigned a squadron of police officers for Park Yoochun, proving just how popular the star is in the nation.

Reporters from Thailand’s biggest broadcasting companies and newspapers were also there to catch footage of the main character of the extremely popular drama ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’.

A fan of Park Yoochun could not hide her excitement as she said, “There are two episodes left of the drama and Park Yoochun’s so handsome that it’s driving me crazy. Though I could only watch from afar because there were too many people at the airport, I’m happy. He’s so handsome,” while another said, “Park Yoochun’s really popular in Thailand these days. My heart feels like it’s going to explode.”

Meanwhile, Park Yoochn will be holding a fanmeet on the 17th while promoting his drama ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’ and JYJ, the group that Park Yoochun is a member of, recently won the Best Asia Star Award in Channel V Thailand’s Music Video Awards.

Source: [newsen]Translated &
Shared by: dongbangdata.net

[NEWS]110921 JYJ’s Park Yoo Chun is the best counselor

JYJ’s Park Yoo Chun was recently voted for the best counselor for girls.

Online community DC Inside did a survey called ‘Who is the best counselor for girls among male entertainers?’ from the 14th to the 20th. On the 21st, the community confirmed Park was ranked first with 3,190 votes among 8,797 respondents (36.6%).

Park captured many female fans’ hearts by appearing on Sungkyunkwan Scandal and Miss Ripley.

Singer and actor Lee Seung Gi was ranked second with 1,738 votes (19.8%) and singer John Park was ranked third with 1,237 votes (14.1%).

Source: Star News
Credits: korea.com
Posted By:Sayuri JaeJoong♥


Here comes the screencaps about Yunho in Episode 2
Enjoy ne ^^

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I made these screencaps about Yunho in Poseidon for us^^
Hope you guys enjoy it ;)
Can someone explain me why Yunho is sooo Gorgeous ??? haha

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