
JaeJoong went to W-inds Concert !!!

--♥ JaeJoong went to W-inds Concert
on the 13th Fanaccount

JaeJoong went to watch W-inds concert
on the 13th He sat at the VIP seat
Sitting next to W-inds’s Ryohei
(The Lead)Wearing a cap, his fringe pushed back,
everyone tried to hold their laughter at him,
even Ryohei Chiba was doing it~
After that Keita Tachibana asked

“Do you have to be like this?”

Ryohei Chiba then said
“because Keita Tachibana fringe is too short,
that’s why he can’t do that!”
which made Keita in a jokingly angry tone

“I’ll grow it long then!”

Then becoming a monk’s topic came,
Keita Tachibana said

“If Jaejoong became a monk,
it would be weird If I were to become a monk,
we’ll become the same”
something like this topic appeared.
Keita Tachibana & Ryohei Chiba shouted
name quite a number of time during that period
Soka ne...
Seems JaeJoong♥ is very beloved
[Or I think they´re Respect a lot JaeJoong♥ ] in
Artistic world ne???
I stay happy for him once again
Of course!!!
I´m very happy coz is rare
go in some fun as this type ne???

Source: W-inds baiduPic
Credit : As tag
Trans :
Credit : OneTVXQ
Shared By:
Sayuri JaeJoong

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