
Korea’s Top 50 Best Voices

--♥ Korea’s Top 50 Best Voices ♥--

As I said before ne ???
I´m very,very proud of them♥!!!
Let´s check some importants facts ok???
3 Tohomembers in the same TOP LIST !!!
Kim Junsu♥´s in this Top List isn´t
A surprise to me Coz Junsu♥ always strikes !!!
His voice is Just Perfect !!!
Kim JaeJoong♥ his voice is perfect and he has so
sweet voice No one surprise to me too!!!
JaeJoong♥ always strikes too!!!
Changmin♥ never crack live so for me
No one surprise once again ne???
Changmin♥ always strikes too!!!
Shared By:
Sayuri JaeJoong

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