
More Xiah Beijin Pics 4!!!

--♥ More Xiah Beijin Pics 4 ♥--

GOD !!! Xiah♥ so Damn HOT and this dancer is
Totally lucky girl !!!
" I believe I can Fly ♫ "
Xiah♥ why why why ??? Whys does he
So perfect ???
LOL !!! My Xiah♥ so cute ne???
Totally fierce face here !!!
[Please pay attention if U watched Harry Potter
And Goblet Of Fire U´ll noticed that Xiah in this pic is
very similar face with Moaning Myrtle LOL !!! ]
I have a similar pant as Yours Xiah♥ !!!
Goddd !!! Why again why ???
I believe I can Fly part 2 LOL !!!
Shared By:
Sayuri JaeJoong

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