
[INFO] What The Fortune Teller Says About DBSK

I post this just for fun...

:: UKNOW ::

The most obvious thing on his palm is the line cutting across. It shows that he has great wisdom. There’s a traditional saying that if it cuts on the left palm, he is a great leader. If it cuts on his right palm, he is great at handling finance.

His palm has many messy lines which indicates that he is always doing hardwork throughout his life. He is always think about other people and very busy with other people’s problems, therefore makes him tired and always busy.

With this kind of hand, if he moves towards the good side, he will be respected by others. His type of hand is also very strong and when he hits people, he doesn’t know whether it is painful to others or not.

LIFE LINE: There’s small sicknesses throughout his whole life, but it won’t obstruct him greatly.

HEAD LINE (CAREER): smooth & extensive career. He is very career minded and hardworking. He will work his way all up to be successful. However, because of this, little sicknesses and his character of always looking after other people’s problems grows out from here.

:: MAX ::

LIFE LINE: A long one too. He also has clear veins indicating very good health.

HEAD LINE (CAREER): Clear head line indicates that he is very intelligent. He is very hardworking in his career and his career starts early. It simply means that he will reach his peak of success during his middle years. There will also be a transition in his career too.

HEART LINE: His love life starts later in his life. At the start, he will be very loyal, but at the end of his marriage life, there might be some problems occur. He needs to handle them seriously. His golden years would be comfortable and easy.

:: HERO ::

In general, his health, wealth, love, and career will get better only during his late years.

LIFE LINE: Long line indicates long life, but his health is average.

HEAD LINE (CAREER): He might meet rough times during his career. But his career will be back on track at the end. He has to be careful of evil people as his fate is to meet many bad people like this-.- His wealth line isn’t really good at the front part, indicating average wealth in his young days. However, it gets better when he’s older.

HEART LINE: Lots of hard times in his love life. He will have a lot of relationships in his life too. However, after marriage, he will be stable. During his golden years, he would lead a happy life.

:: XIAH ::

He is like yunho’s palm, has a lot of messy lines. He goes through a lot of experiences in life.

LIFE LINE: Long life and good health.

HEAD LINE (CAREER): He is intelligent and knows how to grab on an opportunity. He has a smooth career life and will be successful at a young age. His wealth at a young age is better. His wealth line for the early years is the clearest among 5.

HEART LINE: He has an early love life and there’s a slight of indication that he will two-time. He will also marry late. Even though he reaches his middle age, there are many opposite sex will approach him.

:: MICKY ::

He has a Water Hand, which means emotions are more important than reasons. This kind of hand makes a good poet and musician. They also go very well in the beauty and fashion industry.

LIFE LINE: His life line is long too. But the front part is unclear, indicating bad health during his young days. However, during his middle years, he will have good health.

HEAD LINE (CAREER): He is witty and doesn’t lack in intelligence. He is able to manage a few careers together at one time. However, his wealth line is weak.

HEART LINE: Very messy line shows he is popular with opposite sex. It is his fate that there will be many girls appear throughout his life. He will marry at least twice in his life. (FiFFy:LOL)

i love the necklace!! heheheheh..

aikkk~~ they explain too much bout Yunho oppa palm...
Then how about Changmin's palm??
And Where is bout Yunho's oppa Heart Line?? hahaha
Let me do this...
Yunho's Heart Line... He will married with FiFFy.. hahaha..
*get bricked by Yukarii unnie, Sayuri unnie & readers and die LOL*

Credits: tvxq-crit (info) + as tagged (pic)
Shared by: SYC + xietinloveshero + uknowsarang + DBSKnights + TVXQPOWEFURFULLGODS


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