
Junon Interview !!!

--♥ Junon Magazine Interview ♥--

I´d like always to thank U for trans...
I´ll explain here to my readers my so Busy life LOL !!!
Sometimes I made my own trans as U seen before
but my time is very short to do this things
Coz I work hard during my days.
Sometimes I still arrive ion my home and
I still doing some Work from my Job...
[Yes I´m workholic LOL!]
So I really don´t have time to do trans
and My english obvious isn´t enough to
do this with responsability for U ne???
So that´s Why but sometimes I´m doing this for U ok???
Anyway thank U always for trans my time
don´t let me do it T^T ...

JUNON Magazine
Sudden Attack Of Questions
For Jejung & Yuchun's

Q. In Jejung's eyes, what colour represents Yuchun?

JJ: It's white.
Because he is a very pure soul, and also
because the colour white has the
possibility of becoming any other colour.
Yuchun is the kind of person that
has the ability to accept, as well as change.

Q. In Yuchun's eyes, what colour represents Jejung?

YC: Black. Jejung loves black the most,
and he's really suited for black.
Compared to any other colour, its stronger.
This kind of Jejung has a powerful feeling,
and he also loves the dark night,
so he's really too suitable for black.

Q. In the lyrics, there's this line
"If you can't sleep at night".
If you have insomnia,
what will you do to pass time?

JJ: Although I'm the kind that
sleeps really late, but I fall asleep very easily.
Occasionally, if I find that I can't sleep,
I'll just keep listening to music until i fall asleep.

YC: Usually, after I lie down,
I need to spend some time trying to fall asleep,
and to ensure that I get a good sleep,
I need a good pillow, and I have the wear the eye mask!
Also, to ensure that I don't get hungry
in the middle of the night, which might
cause me to be unable to sleep, I eat a lot at night.

Q. While you're carrying out your activities as
a duo, is there anything that you discovered
about the other person for the first time?

JJ: While the 5 of us are carrying out activities as Tohoshinki,
Yuchun is often the one who slows us down! However,
when we're carrying out activities as a duet,
I was surprised to discover:
Yuchun is actually so serious?

YC: While carrying out the activities as a duet,
I realised that Jejung is indeed the older brother.
He constantly guides me in different aspects,
tells me to do this or do that,
and always enthusiastically gives his opinions.
It allowed me to see Jejung as a leader.

Q. The lyrics also had the phrase "thank you".
So, what is the phrase/word that you use the most?
What kind of Japanese phrase/word have you liked recently?

JJ: I think the phrase I use frequently is
"thank you", I really like it!
Up until today, we've always been receiving
everyone's support, so this feeling of gratitude is precious to me.
Also, the Japanese word I liked recently is "隠れ家"
(T/N: Kakurega - hiding place/refuge").
Since it's a secret place, its a place where I can be at ease.
How do I say this, it feels cool.

YC: I've been saying "I'll do my best" a lot.
It's the kind where you shout it out in
order to fulfill different goals and wishes.
Also, its a phrase that gives me courage.
Recently, the Japanese word that
I remember, that also became
my current favourite, is ""
(T/N: Kizuna - bonds/fetters).
It sounds good when you say it,
and it also gives you a heartwarming feeling.

Source: [withtvxq]
Translation credits: mandasoh@tohosomnia.net
Shared by: tohosomnia.net
Sayuri JaeJoong
Do not remove/add on any credits

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