
Trans: 090831 Nikkan Daily Sport Newspaper

TVXQ has performed 7 Songs

Aside from the female fans, even the male ones became captivated with their great singing voices that came from their very being, matched with their powerful and sharp dance. In fact, Yunho, who wounded his right thigh one week prior to this performance and had received acupuncture treatment, had stood onstage and showed an intense dance performance. The other four members got roused by the figure of such a leader. They charmed the audiences with their spectacular performance. JaeJoong said, "I want more people to watch us," and they moved the whole stage from tip to toe. The members passed each other many times and exchanged high fives and handshakes onstage which indicated the strength of their unity.

The TVXQ, a proud 5 member group from Korea with great popularity through out in Asia including Japan,
had accepted the exclusive interview of our news paper in Osaka, on August 30th, 2009.

At the a-nation Nagai Stadium, TVXQ members fully
talked about their fan,

their thoughts toward their members as their friends,
and their future activities.

At the live performance, they sang seven pieces such as their great hit song,
"SHARE THE WORLD" emotionally. TVXQ charmed 50,000 large audiences.

At the a-nation 09, which became their fifth appearance, the fans increased in numbers and this year,
the stadium was filled up with the towels of TVXQ.

The Interview

JJ: This year, as I had expected...... It was great!  
The towels? I could see them well.
At first I thought that the chair was green. ^^

FiFFy --> cute Jae2

YH: In comparison with the last year, I felt that the number of the fans had increased.
At the time of jump, the person who are not our fans jumped together with us.
And the male fans increased too and I felt that we grew up more in one year.

FiFFy --> TVXQ fans will increase year by year.. believe me!!!

Nikkan: Both CD Sells and the Tokyo Dome performance were great successes.
In this one year, TVXQ reached the top class artist in Japan.

JJ: Confidence came out. From the top of the stage,
I could see the expression of the fans and their movements.
I think I may have become more professional than before.

Nikkan: What kind of appeal point do you want fan to look into?

CM: It is sweat, sweat. (with a shy smile).
I want them to see scattered sweat.

FiFFy --> *smile alone* changmin sweat a lot...

YH: I want the fans to see that I am not in good condition with my foot,
but I still do my best with a passion.

FiFFy --> poor yunho/manly yunho (at the same time) ^.^

Nikkan: Here, JUNSU is puzzled over a self-appeal,
and, as he remain in silent, YC says, "It is your butt, right?"

JS: I want you to watch my dance. (While being embarrassed.)

FiFFy --> I impress with ur dance Junsu oppa...^,^

JJ: What would that be for me?...... (he twists his neck)

FiFFy --> jealous??

YH: It is MC, right?, with an ad lib. You said, "the moisture is fearful", yesterday.
(All members laugh loud thinking of the incomprehensible MC by JJ.)

JJ:It is a smile. Though I usually laugh well, I find myself
laugh a lot on the stage.

FiFFy --> L.O.L

YC: In the middle of the music, there comes the fire, BOMB! ! (fireworks),
not only the visitors but we also were surprised. Therefore everybody becomes One.

Nikkan: Do you get it? One's PR?
(T/N:YC is talking about all five of them when being asked for his own appeal.)

Nikkan: He has the modest heart.

JJ:YC is honest. When it is hot, it is reflected on his expression immediately.

FiFFy --> agree...

TVXQ Messages To Fans

Nikkan:Please give your fans your messages.

CM: Please be careful in the summer, do not get completely exhausted.

YH: Those of you who could not come this year, let us enjoy together next year with TVXQ by all means!!

JS: I may do various activity from now on, I want to do those activities together with our fans. I will do my best.

JJ: I want to do next year's a-nation early. I want the fans to see all five of us enjoying together on the stage.

YC: I want to show a lot of songs continuously; I want to keep singing. That is all what I wish for.

Ahhh~~ Changmin still keep his mouth off... hehe...
Jae2 still with his humors...
And, Junsu??? So quite??? This is not Junsu That i Know...
Yunho... He is very manly...^,^
Yoochun... Keep composing song & keep sinGing...
we WiLL alWays support TVXQ...

LOL... sorry for my interrupt..=P


The Promise

Even if they place energy towards their individual activities; the "promise" was made for the five members to meet again in the near future! The special unit by JAEJOONG and YOOCHUN will release a new song on September 30, 2009. YUNHO and CHANGMIN will appear in dramas and they will put emphasis on individual activities for a while. "However, towards the end of the year, I want to attend many singing programs together with all five of us gradually," is what YUNHO said. The "promise" was made for them to return as five members of TVXQ. The members promised the fans that they will return for their performances during the a-nation 2010! Junsu said, "From now on, five of us will be active in different ways, but the five of us want to continue to grow together with our fans."

TVXQ Showed the strong will be together as ONE, Which completely blew off the temporary dissolution disturbance



Source: Nikkan Daily Sports News
Translated by: Junsulv@OneTVXQ.com
Shared by: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thank you!


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