
[Trans] 090914 Fan Account: I Talked to Junsu!

Junsu~~~~~~ Kya~~~~~~!!!!! I talked to JUNSU~~~!!!!!

I was in Korea from last Saturday until Tuesday. I went to Junsu’s dad’s pizza shop, oh my, please listen to it!

Junsu came to the shop and he shook hands with all the fans there and he even talked to us!!
I could meet Junsu, his father and his mother, as well!! Can you believe it?!

(pretty smile... i could imagine how pretty junsu smile to them *dies*)

My friend went from Osaka to Korea last week and met Junsu at his dad’s pizzeria,
and she shook hands with Junsu himself!!
He dropped by his dad’s pizzeria on the 14th and he shook hands with his fans.
I am too envious!!

When Junsu appeared, I felt like I was floating on air.
My heart was beating like mad and I was way too excited!!

He was wearing a black cap, a black mask, a black short-sleeved polo shirt and jeans.

He looked really cool. He was much more handsome in person than on TV,
even if he was wearing a cap.

When I said that I came from Osaka, Junsu asked, “Osaka? When did you come here?”

There were many fans at the pizza shop and his dad lead him to greet each table,
and all the fans there could shake hands with Junsu!

When I was leaving the shop, just in time, Junsu returned from the bathroom and
we made eye contact and we bowed at each other.
I was overwhelmed and overjoyed! I still shake when I remember it.

(TVXQ with Hitsumabushi)

My friend told me that she met Junsu at his dad’s pizza shop and shook hands with him. Wow!
I wish I was with her!

She said that her heart was beating so fast, and without saying hi, she said “Hitsumabushi!” to Junsu.
Then Junsu laughed just the way he laughs on the
TV ---> Eukyakyang.

hitsumabusi de himatsubushi by Junsu

(Junsu’s Oyaji Gag: “Himatsubusi” means “try to kill time” in Japanese)

My friend from Fukuoka went to Junsu’s dad’s pizza shop, and she met Junsu there.
She said to Junsu, “I went to Fukuoka for TSC Tour, and I heard you say, ‘tai tai tai (sea bream),’
Junsu said, “Oh, please forget about that.”

Junsu talked in Japanese to the Japanese fans, and he was very tender and kind, and his laughter was
just as he laughed onstage at the Fukuoka Tour.

Junsu looked healthy, well and happy!

Other fan account:

Junsu, Yoochun and Jeajoong seem to have sung at a wedding ceremony together.
How lucky those guests were!

I was soooooooo JEALOUS!!
huhuhu... i wanna meet Junsu... *crying so hard*
kidding..^,^ Okay.. The girl was soo lucky...
Later i will go to korea! N marry with Junsu.. haha!!
Crazy FiFFy... Ignore me.... okay?

source: Bigeast fans + as tagged
translation: Junsulv @ OneTVXQ.com
credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
shared by: www.tvxqpowerfullgods.blogspot.com
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!

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