

lets read a tales of baby su... ^,^

One day, baby su's bed is wet (guess what?? hihi..)
Because of that he cry so loud...

Then... here comes a very beautiful woman (crown is XIAH)
^,^ the beautiful woman maybe his mom...heheh
she give baby su a bottle of milk... Susu is quite then.. ^,^

Suddenly... Aladin mats comes and pick baby su...
baby su dont know where the mats want to bring him..
but he just stay cute with his angle pose.... like this...^,^

Aladin mats is stopped in a girl house..
There got a piano... Baby su play the piano..
(well we all know that baby su love to show off, but he did a good job ne?)
He play, play and play.. The girl have no choice.. She is trying to hold her urine.. kahkahkah... (got bladder problem just like changmin oppa?)

After a long time, baby su let the girl go...
Then, baby su is wanderings with his milk ^,^...
(cant really imagine Junsu with a bottle of milk ^,^)
Then he saw a couple.. he is peeping the couple.... naughty baby su peeping d couple..

He followed the couple... till the bus stop..
Then... He accidentally drop his bottle... Poor baby su...

hehehhee.. nothing much.. The person in baidu telling this story and i just translate it.. ^,^ the story is a bit weird.. But the drawing is cute.. I really love it..
Especially Junsu oppa on Aladin Mats...

credits: xiahday
source: XiahBaidu bar
translated by: FiFFyJunJun@TVXQPOWERFULLGODS
shared by: www.tvxqpowerfullgods.blogspot.com

posted by: FiFFyJunJun

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