
[FANAc] 121209 -

This is the longest fan account i've ever read.. ^,^
She was so happy ne??? i know this was too long..
but it is fun to read it... I'm so touched with their friendship...
I love the part where they talking bout playing baseball..
I'm sure they miss Changmin and Yunho so much...
I'm sure they are in pain.. So do Changmin and Yunho...
Let us pray for their happiness.... ^,^
Really hopes something good happen... I'm just hoping to see them laughing together... Just like in their shows....^,^

So ladies.. start reading... ^,^

I don't know how to begin sharing this. T.T
I cannot explain my happiness... T_________T
And my excitement might not show in how I write now but I know it will show later when I get into details hehe~
Anyway, I hope you guys would find my account of the event very useful~ I was taking down notes while enjoying myself so I don't forget anything. XD

I live just beside Korea University so I wasn't in any rush to go to the venue cos it's really just in my area~ BUT I didn't kn ow it was way uphill! I climbed my way up and was dead tired when I got there. The venue was so organized with tents arranged by ticket numbers where people can exchange their online reservation printouts to ticket bracelets (if that's what you call them)...

My online reservation number was 3004 and I got there around 4pm? Since it was so organized, I got my bracelet easily and lined up to get in. The security was 333% tighter today, one girl beside me was stripped off her bracelet by the guard checking the tickets cos her bracelet seemed to have been reattached and she can't show enough proof that she is the real owner of the ticket. YIKES. >.<

Anyway... Right after the boys got in, they greeted fans and the MC started the interview~ they sat on a couch comfortably~^^

MC asks them how they have been doing~

Yoochun says that he didn't contact any of the members last October and that he just stayed in his home for one month cos he was busy studying composing~

Jaejoong was busy with household chores and that he enjoyed doing them~ like doing the laundry, cooking and stuff~ XD

Junsu said he was busy with exercising and with teaching Yoochun baseball~

The MC asked whether Jaejoong joined in the baseball lessons too but Junsu said Jaejoong preferred to watch at the sidelines and he was "응원남자" or "cheering boy"... That time we shouted "보여줘!" or "show it to us!!~" and what do you know, he obliged. He has to. Haha!

So Jaejoong stood up and starts cheering only for Junsu and Yoochun told him to sit down haha~

Then a board with post its that is filled with questions from fans were brought onstage. It's Q&A time!!~

The MC picked out some questions... and she asked this first:

What color is your underwear?

Junsu was first to answer and he said that if he remembers it right, it's gray with a bit of green? And Yoochun butts in and says that Junsu might not be wearing aything! Haha~ The fans shouted "보여줘"again, screaming so hard for Junsu to show it haha~ But of course he can't.
Jaejoong said he was wearing a lilac colored one with black trimmings~ Hee-hee~
And Yoochun said his was "simple".. Just black everything~ And the MC commented, "you must like sexy style" and Yoochun denies this and said it's Jaejoong who likes sexy underwear~

And this is the part where Jaejoong starts talking about this incident when he was at some countryside (for what reason, we dunno. T.T) and he forgot to bring underwear (maybe it was one of his out of town trips with Taegoon or Junsu/Yoochun?) so he went to a store that sells underwear and was so surprised that the designs available were too much for him, like having hearts all over and some even were like fish net... and they were briefs!!~ No mention whether he bought his lilac ones there though hehehe~

And then Jaejoong mentions about wearing underwear for about one to two years before changing them and Yoochun butts in again and says "without changing, ever???" (he's just so funny today haha) and they continued talking about underwear but had to stop cos it's getting out of hand. Haha~

Second question was, "What will you do this Christmas?"

Jaejoong says they will be in Japan cos they have a broadcast on that day~ So they might not be spending Christmas at all cos they will be filming from the morning until late at night...

They greeted us 'Merry Christmas' in failed unison at first and Junsu was first to greet so he just laughed and they counted again and greeted together^^

The MC asked Junsu to stand up to pick a question and his butt was sticking out as usual and Jaejoong stood up and pointed to his butt so the fans were crazy shouting haha~ XD

Looking at the Q&A board, Junsu was seeing many questions about underwear and asks why it's that so and said, "Girls are all the same" hahahaha~ So finally the MC gets to pick a question for him and it was: "What do you do when you miss Cassiopeia?"

Junsu goes back to his seat and answers... he says that he watches the concert videos and read letters sent by fans~ And one time, while he was watching a baseball match... he saw a fan he recognized who was watching the baseball match too. But the fan was shouting "(baseball player's name), I love you!" and he was sad after that that he drank 2 glasses of soju~ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Jaejoong says that he goes on the internet whenever he misses Cassiopeia and goes directly to DNBN... He says he goes to DNBN first whenever he goes online~

I think Yoochun didn't answer this part...

Next question was: "Jaejoong Oppa, how was the kiss at Heaven's Postman?"

Yoochun was quick to spill the beans on Jaejoong and said that Jaejoong was telling him "it was okay" and sort of being too cool about it and Jaejoong was too embarrassed or maybe Yoochun was just teasing him, so he stood up and turned his back on the audience, putting his hands on his waist and laughing hard... after Jaejoong gained his composure, he said, "It was acting. It was nothing but official business... Because Hyoju-sshi is a good actress, she doesn't really take this too hard and when we kissed, it was just a kiss"...

The MC followed if he was satisfied with that and he said he was. And he followed it up with----"because I was acting." Hahaha~ DEFENSIVE YOU!!! XD

And then it was Yoochun's turn to pick a question and he said this is a question he really wanted to ask Jaejoong and Junsu too~ "What do you think of "미대생" or "Art students"? (Art students have some image of being pretty and very feminine, so...) And the MC asks who among the fans are Art Students and everyone raises their hands~ It was pretty funny... Jaejoong whispers to Yoochun that he should pick from the crowd who among them is his type and Yoochun says there isn't one among them~ and there was more teasing and playing around and then since many fans are in highschool, many fans shouted "여고생" or "female highschoolers"~

There was more talk in here and I didn't really get them much. T.T

There was a follow up question and it was "What do you think is a good major then, if not art?"

Jaejoong says "Law" and Junsu says "Music"....

The next question was... "What do you think of volunteering?"

And of course they said it's a good thing to do and said more kind words~ There were also some jokes on Junsu and I didn't get it much... T.T Yoochun always jokes about Junsu~~~ Jaejoong says they should volunteer once too~ Then Junsu says, "Let's go to Cambodia!" Hahaha~

After that, another question the MC picked was: "Yoochun oppa, are you really studying composing??? I don't believe it!!" (and the MC was really funny cos she made it sound like the fan who wrote the question didn't really believe any of what Yoochun said haha~ saying it in different words like 절대 absolutely, 진짜 truly, 정말 really and NEVER (Junsu said it almost whispering hehe~!~)

To which Yoochun says that he's been writing a lot of songs lately... just practicing writing and composing... And the MC asks if he has one song he can perform now but he said he's still trying to perfect it... and the fans started cheering asking him to sing it and he refuses but the MC somehow "convinced" him to perform his song and then it was Yoochun's solo stage~

A piano was brought on stage~ T___________T

Then Yoochun played some notes with the keys and the fans cheered, and he was like "I am just practicing! I haven't even started with the song yet~" hahahaha~ But of course piano + Yoochun = screaming fans. XD

So he started singing his song entitled, "설레임" or "Restlessness" (I dunno if it's a working title, and I'm not sure if it's the appropriate English translation. T.T)

After the song, everyone was on stage again and the MC asked about how he composed that song and he mentioned about getting the melody first and that he gets inspiration from the hard times that they've been having recently (all fans go 'awwwwww')... and then they talk about Jaejoong and Junsu also learning how to compose and improving their skills... but Jaejoong was quick to mention he does it whenever Junsu is not around haha~ Cos the last time he was composing, Junsu suddenly appeared and gave some inputs in his song that's why they become co-composers haha~the MC asked if they ever fight because of those circumstances but they just joke around and said it's a good collaboration and it had a good output. They sang a bit of Shelter~ name and gave an innocent stare hahaha~ All the three fans who got picked were too shy to come near them and were squeezing themselves with each other and Jaejoong said, "Are you all friends?" hahaha~ cos they were too close! XDDD So they separated a bit and the fan who Yoochun picked was sent to get her prize (but she's too shy and seemed like she didn't even wanna get near Yoochun... WHY?! It's your chance!!! Grab it! hahahaha~) and fans were shouting 안아줘, signaling the fan to get her opportunity of a lifetime to get a hug from Yoochun BUT she was extending her hand waving "NO!" and it was so funny cos everyone was like, "wtf?! It's YOOCHUN!!!!" and even Yoochun was taken aback by the reaction and was like, "it seems like she doesn't want me to hug her" but then with more cheering, she shake his hand and then he hugs her for a millisecond. She then bows away and stays as far away as she can from Yoochun heheheheh~ Maybe she's afraid jealous fans would hunt her down cos they know her name and her birthday, very easy catch. XD

The next one was Jaejoong and she gave the fan those two DVDs, and it was funny cos he wiped his hands well on his jeans and just shook her hand. No screams for hugs, no nothing~ XD Same for Junsu, he just handed the gift and shook the fan's hand.

After giving gifts to the fans, the representative for the foundation went up the stage and gave some speech and the cheque worth 10,000,000 Won (about $8500) was given by Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu. I'm not too sure if the amount came from their pockets, maybe it did. T.T Not even receiving proper compensation and still having the heart to do such deeds. This time the three went out wearing santa hats and they looked soooo cute!~
Jaejoong said that everyone should sing along!!~ They sang a Christmas medley which they started with 'Silent Night' followed with 'White Christmas' and 'Santa Claus is Coming to Town'... Yoochun was playing with the snow maker and was spraying a lot while singing, Junsu was just concentrating on singing and Jaejoong keeps on forgetting the words but Junsu's there to fill the gaps hehehe~ It seems they didn't practice for this and might be just an impromptu performance cos they weren't sure of which version they would do for 'Santa Claus is Coming to Town'... they were doing some parts in Korean and some in English, and the three have been doing different versions each but all the more that it was fun and special~ XD They just sing and they were enjoying it a lot, figuring out how to sing the song while they're singing it~ But of course they're professionals and could pull off a performance without any practice so... there we have it. A very special Christmas medley. <3

trans: SYC | jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net
edited trans: xiah-sshi
pic: as tagged
shared by: www.tvxqpowerfulllgods.blogspot.com
posted by: FiFFyJunJun

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