

This is a special year-end feature of Tohomobile.

9 Questions to Tohoshinki


Q. What is one thing that you want to say about 2009?
Junsu: Hardships and adversities.

Q. What was your best memory of 2009?
Junsu: Of course, it has to be the stage of Tokyo Dome.

Q. When did you feel the happiest in 2009?
Junsu: When we were singing "Stand by U" at Dome.

Q. You did say that you wanted to spend 2009 happily, were you able to do that?
Junsu: I think I wasn't able to do that. I'll try to achieve that again next year

Q. What was one thing you wanted to achieve in 2009 but couldn't?
Junsu: To climb to the top of Mount Fuji.

Q. What did you do in your off time, please tell us!
Junsu: Exercising.

Q. What words did you use the most in 2009?
Junsu: Who's that!!

Q. What was one thing that surprised you the most in 2009?
Junsu: Sprain.

Q. Please tell us one thing that you want to challenge yourself in 2010!
Junsu: I want to sing a lot of good songs.

T/N: About Mount Fuji, Junsu was the first one who said that he wanted to climb Mount Fuji with other members. He even said that twice in Zoom In.
091107 Tohoshinki Zoom In Subete @ 3:24
090712 Tohoshinki Zoom In Super @ 7:13

Source: Tohomobile + linhkawaii
Translation: linhkawaii @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!

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