
[TRANS] 100101 Max Matsuura's Blog

Happy New Year

Happy New Year.

A lot of things have happened last year.
Regarding the issue of EXILE merging and bringing up to a total of 14 members, they have received various opinions from many people,
and although I myself also received a lot of opinions and criticisms, I decided to face forward and take the lead of it.
There were a lot of things that happened in the entertainment industry in 2009,
and we ourselves worked with our principles based on what we believed to be right and correct.

Moreover, this time, regarding a certain artist's problem,
we are doing our best what we can; however, there are a lot of different barriers that are beyond our control,
turning this into an extremely difficult problem.
The fans might know more of the truth behind even more than we do.
However, we will never give up until the very end, and keep going forward with the spirit of "Zettee, Makenee" [Absolutely not losing].

Moreover, to welcome 2010, I think back of the many experiences I was able to acquire in 2009,
remind myself of the many encouraging messages from fans,
as well as the many strict messages I received.
In 2010, my goal is to correspond to fans even faster than I did in 2009,
and as much as I could, to perform quick administration on this site.
Please keep supporting avex in 2010 and 2011.
I hope that everyone, as well as everyone in avex and people whom we concern about... will be having a good year in 2010.

Matsuura Masato


T/N: If you want to send him a message, we will help you to post it on his blog. Please leave your message HERE.

Source: Max Matsuura's Blog
Translation: linhkawaii @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!

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