

Another update bout Junsu Mozart Casting...

And for Bigeast.. maybe this schedule makes u feel worry..
Coz it is collide with Bigeast Fanclub Event

This is the statement from Junsu side..

Xiah Junsu's side stated, "We were thinking of a new change for him amidst his busy schedule so we looked through several good musical performances and we decided on 'Mozart!' that possessed the performance qualities and the audience attraction qualities of a perfect performance which required slight changes in his Japanese schedule"

But.. Let us wait for the update..
I hope this problem will be overcome.. ^,^
So that Junsu wont miss Bigeast..
but I believe, Junsu will attend the Bigeast..
Wait for the update... ^,^

credits: xiah-sshi
shared by: www.tvxqpowerfullgods.blogspot.com
posted by: FiFFyJunJun

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