

Well... Dont care bout the title so much.. ^,^
Actually only these 3 pic makes me smile.. ALONE...
hahaha... crazy ne?? I have a story...

Yoochun: aha!! I got u (star shine)... Dont go anywhere..

Yoochun: Eh eh eh~~ Dont try to runaway!!!

Yoochun: OMOna... Where is it going??

LOL.. silly me.. sorry.. this is from SMILE AGAIN fanmeeting.. ^,^
taken picX is from baidu.. and my silly story..
Hope u smile right now.. reading my post..^,^
By the way i know u will.. b'coz of cute Yoochun.. ^.^

credits: on pic + as tagged (baiduTVXQ)
shared by: www.tvxqpowerfullgods.blogspot.com
posted by: FiFFyJunJun

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