
Break Out PV Intrepretation

--♥ Break Out PV Interpretation ♥--

Me[Sayuri JaeJoong♥ ] and YukariiChangmin♥ are psychologists...
So I thought very interesting to do a post talking about
Break Out PV with a psychoanalytic view !!!
Yes I am Freud follower LOL !!!
TvxqPowerfullGods is Culture TOO !!!
Let´s read something different today ???
If U want to re post this please
keep Intact full Credits since there ↓
Talking about the concept about This PV:
I think the idea was to create something that shows
For people something connected at fears and Desires.
Not exactly the word simply FEAR
but the simbolism maybe I think...
I am psychology so LOL ...
Let´s Interpret this PV ??? LOL !!!

The Old man...
Something about the fear to arrive in an old age...
Old man can reprent the manliness and wisdom
Every man has the desire to be wisdom forever...
It´s the men desire, Or One Of them...
Every human wants to be forever young ne ???

The Girl
The Tentation, the sin...
Women usually represent the sin ...
Women in psycology means a half of heaven OR
Something like untouchable...
Maybe the director chooses the younger member purposely
It´s hard discovery a child is grew Up soon
A boy became a man now ne ???

The Hands ...
It means persecution...Persecutory idea
The fear to live in constant persecution...
Hands can be interpreted as direction or
What direction to take?
Sometimes to take a decision it´s very hard ne ???
And in the PV what this hands means is
It´s very hard to take a course or choose a way...

The mini Couple...
It can be a thousand things but let´s see the
begin idea ok ???
Mini couple married means responsability in
adult life, or The true desire for Do NOT want to grow Up...
The mini couple means Lost childhood too...
Interesting ne ???
Omoshiroi !!!

The Spider...
Animals usually means fear OR desire for something...
Spiders means too release of an obstacles ...
Coz Spiders can do your own house and
spiders has the only one sense of survivor...
Omoshiroi again !!!

Explanation By:Sayuri JaeJoong
Point Of View according
My Training University Of Psychoanalytic Psychology
Shared By:
Posted By:Sayuri JaeJoong♥
Keep Intact With Full Credits.
Domo Arigato !!!

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