
--♥ DOE JaeJoong´s Cellphone ♥--

When DOE release the first thing
I pay attention was one thing...
JaeJoong♥´s cellphone u.U"
And U´ll ask...Why ???
Because I have the same cellphone LOL !!!
I have 3 cellphones here but this is pretty old and
I saved it coz I LOVE this cellphone v !!!
And when I saw JaeJoong♥ in DOE using the same I had too
I screamed very loud LOL !!!

So let´s see what´s the cellphone
JaeJoong♥ used in DOE ok ???

LOL !!! A smile for Our Readers !!!

It´s very usual !!!

I love this colors...Dark Blue and Silver !!! Front !!!
Cute !!!
Hai hai for U that want to know the model

that JaeJoong♥ used in DOE is it :
SGH-C510L Samsung Model !!!

I saved it coz it´s cute and so small !!!

Look it´s pretty old but I love this It´s cute !!!

Gosh... I know how to do it coz I have this so me and

JaeJoong♥ lived the same experience u.U"
And u´ll ask me u.U"
What´s experience ???
And I´ll tell U:
Experience to put THIS cellphone in the mouth LOL !!!

Look !!! I have this !!!

Look the cellphone is equal as mine !!!


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Posted By:Sayuri JaeJoong

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