
I saw JaeChunSu and Yoohwan

Oh my gosh I saw Yoohwan (Yoochun's brother), Junsu and Jaejoong today!! Yoohwan is very good looking and Junsu is drop dead gorgeous is person!! Ahh I'm still feeling excited lol.

I met up with a few fans today and we all split up to find them. The first member was Junsu, my goodness he was so handsome in person. I think he was filming for Mozart. Then I went to the hotel they were staying in to meet up with the other fans and I saw Yoohwan there. He's so goodlooking *_*

(Fastforward to a few hours later)

The fans noticed that Jaejoong and Yoohwan came down from the elevator and everything was crazy. Everyone ran outside and screamed out "Jaejoong oppa!" and other things like that.

(Fastforward to an hour and a half later)

Jaejoong and Yoohwan came back and I was even more excited than ever, lol. But I noticed that he has gotten a lot skinnier, I didn't notice his height though. I MISSED OUT OF HIS FACE. My friend saw his face and told me he was waaaayyyyy hotter in a person and his skin is very white and smooth. I want to see his face.. T_T

So then after that I heard that Yoochun was (still) at Star City

And this is Junsu♥ FANCAM
short but yet.. u can see he is wearing white..
Just like a prince..

credits: AyuTrance90@soompi
shared by: www.tvxqpowerfullgods.blogspot.com
posted by: FiFFyJunJun

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