
100119 Yu Kigoshi’s Blog Update

2010-01-185 15:07:08
A message from Yunho’s father

I received a thank you mail from Yunho’s father.

There are some personal contents, and also some of Yunho’s father’s thoughts about the current problem, so I would like to disclose only a part of his message.
I thank you for your kind understanding.

TO: Mr. Yu Kigoshi
How are you?
It was very snowy and also very cold in Gwangju.
I do not know about the weather in Japan, but please always take care of your health.

I received the package that you have sent to me.
Yu-san’s letter, candies, precious messages and the CD from the fans…
(T/N: the messages from the fans were partly printed out on paper, and the remaining was copied to a CD)
I feel deep love inside my heart, and I would pass the messages to Yunho, too.

I express my words of gratitude to all the precious ones, who have sent messages that will summon up Yunho’s courage.

So your messages will be handed over to Yunho.
Everyone, cheers♪

One of the other messages written were,
Yunho’s father is thinking to lend a hand together with Yunho to Haiti, where there was the earthquake, and many passed away.
Yunho’s father seems to think of volunteering for Haiti, when Yunho’ schedule for this month is finished.
Not only volunteer work, but accomplishing something together with your father is really wonderful, I hope I can be like them.

I could not introduce the part where he is referring to the current Tohoshinki’s situation, but he seems to be very worried, and also feeling somewhat impatient.

I believe all your messages would be a great support to Yunho and Yunho’s father.

I would like to treasure the chance between Yunho’s father and me.
Yunho’s father is the teacher of my life, he has created the opportunity for me to contact my real father again.

(few sentences omitted)

Recently, I am thinking that..
There are some that knew this blog through my books, some are regular readers from before, and some are newcomers from this project.
There are many people who leave me messages, and reading them, it seems that they are not worrying only about Tohoshinki but worrying and supporting me, too.
There are some who leaves comments just like my mother’s words, lol. Maybe they are the same generation as my mother.

I was always told to be grateful to all the persons around me, and I am truly filled with thankfulness to all of you.

It is very difficult to express my feelings, but I wish that my feelings can be conveyed to all of you. Watching the news on TV, there are not many nice stories, but I hope that many who come to this blog will be able to smile for a time being.

As everyone had prayed for my happiness, I pray that all of you would be happy.

Source: Yu Kigoshi’s blog
Credits+Translation: smiley @ OneTVXQ.com
Shared by: sharingyoochun.net
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!

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