

Yoochun’s Messages to Five Fancafes

To. Nabbeun Namja (Bad Boy)

you guys… how can you… to me…

ㅠㅠanyway…thank you so much!you guys are bad girls.

To. Micky Partner

Oh my God!!animal farm..

then I’m “Jara” (two meanings: sleep or grow)

To. SkyYuchun

Noonas, thank you always for everything!

Keep in there!

To. narynyuchun

“Happy New Year!”

really…I’m having a good dream!

To. Romantic Sky

Start now! So we can be happy together!

Thank you!

source: badboymicky + mickypartner + skyyuchun + narynyuchun + romanticsky + jjiny315

trans: steph@sharingyoochun

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