
--♥ [Trans] 100410 ♥--
--♥ Eriko Kitagawa’s Blog Update?♥--


2010-04-09 21:08:13

A Present

Some days ago, there was a comment in this blog,
saying that she was making the poster for
Heaven’s Postman” for her graduation work.

And, she send me this.


It is so lovely. The logo characters are cute.
Nice choices for the dialogs, too.
“Are you a shadow / ghost?”
“About right…”

Her name is Fumi.
The address was written. I thought, I will check with 104
(T/N: dial information service)
and directly express my thanks.
I was a little bit nervous.
Since she is a student, she should be at home at night…
But, when I checked with 104,

“There is no such number”.
(T/N: We Japanese prefer not to disclose
our telephone numbers to the public these days.
Fumi-san should be one of them.)
What a pity.

Fumi-san, thank you very much.
I wanted to talk privately to you, so I tried to call you……

Since she wrote “graduation work”,
should she be working from this spring?
I want all of your days to be happy.

Heaven’s Postman” will be released soon.
(T/N: May 29)

source: Eriko Kitagawa’s Blog
translation: smiley @ OneTVXQ.com
credits: OneTVXQ.com
{ One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact.

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