
--♥ [TRANS] 100411 ♥--
--♥ Eriko Kitagawa Twitter ♥--
--♥ How Far Should Jejung Take It Off? ♥--

1.あははっ。见た~い。それ。RT @jejupara

Jejupara:Will Jejung and Tetsuji have romance scenes?
Kitagawa:Haha, you want to watch it?

2.あっ、あなたいいこと言いました。きっと、プロデューサーたちが思ってて言えなかったことだ。私の脚本の文学性を重视して。视聴者サービス忘れるとこ でした。
RT @mococ0 先生、お愿い!ジェジュン、脱がせて~~!

Mococ:Please Kitagawa-san!
Let Jejung take off his clothes~~~
Kitagawa:Ah, that's a good thing you mentioned.
The producers must have thought of this as well but didn't say it out loud.
I valued the more literary aspect of the script so
I forgot to give the audience some benefits.

3.しかし。ジェジュン。いったい、どこで脱がせたらいいのか?うううっ。风吕もない贫乏アパートというのが、ここでネックになるとは(苦悩。作家の苦 悩。こんな苦悩でいいのか)。

Kitagawa:But, how far will Jejung take off his clothes?
Having no bathroom in the poor apartment creates a hindrance.
(Distressed. This is the misery that I, as a playwrite, feel.
Is this torment good?)

4.みんなの妄想が、暴走しています。今。今ですあなたの妄想も、ぜひここへ。もしかして、それが実现するかもしれませんよ。ドラマの中で(これ、见つ かったら绝対、怒られる)。

Kitagawa: Everyone's wishful thinking has gone out of control.
Right now, please write your wishful thinking here.
Perhaps I could help everyone make it come true in the drama.
This, if this is seen then someone will be angry with me.)


Kitagawa:The replies are coming in with rapid momentum.
Are everyone natural play-writes?
Writing about handsome men like me?

6.おっ、ここいいねえ。オサレだし。ここで、スナナレ男子3人みな裸にしちゃおーか。见てるって。このツイッター。役者も见てるからやばいって。 RT@kyoboo これも 銭汤よぉー 南青山♪ いま 流行よん。 http://shimizuyu.jp/

Kyoboo:There's bathhouses here as well- Aoyama.
It is very popular now.
Kitagawa:Oh, this place is nice.
Very modern.
Then I'll have Sunao's 3 men get naked here.
This twitter can be seen by the actors too,
which isn't very reassuring.

いいなあ。マジで、この南青山の銭汤行くってシーン作ろうかな。间に合うかな。话が、そんな段阶じゃないけど。私、よくデートで、こういう銭汤行ったよ。 おのおの入って外で待ち合わせ。団体でやってもたしかにいいよね。ここ、新しくなったね。清水汤。

Kitagawa:Real good. If there is time then I would actually add in the scene of the bathhouse in Aoyama. When I go on dates, I often go to these type of bathhouses. You go in separately to bathe then come out again to reconvene. A group outing is indeed not a bad idea. Clean water baths, it's the new thing.

7.じゃあ、男3人でサウナのシーンが出てきたら、みんなテレビに向かって「北川さん、ありがとう!」って言ってくれる?(ありがたいのは、私ではなく、 彼らの裸ですが)

Kitagawa: Then, when the television shows 3 men steaming in the sauna, will everyone say to the television "Kitagawa-san, thank you!"?
It's a relief that it's them who are naked, not me...)

て来てくれてますが…。では、7话の冒头にいきなりサウナシーンから出ま すか?

Kitagawa:That's amazing- Twitter location hunting. Everyone has sent over possible sauna-bathhouse locations... Then, the beginning of the 7th episode will start with the sauna scene? It will definitely make things difficult for P-chan. (a/n: not sure who this is- maybe producer or director?)


Vice-president of AVEX, Ryuhei Chiba, tweeted:
Does Jejung have romance scenes?
a/n: probably their romance scenes are more of the intense kind)
The reply:
Right now,
Kitagawa-san is discussing in her twitter
on how she could make
Jejung take off his clothes
Vice-president's reply:
Could it be that there's going to be a love scene?
There is? There isn't?

Kitagawa: It seems as if everyone isn't content with ANAN...

Source: [withTVXQ]
Translation Credits: Supernike911@tohosomnia.net
Shared by: tohosomnia.net
Please do not add on/remove credits

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