
--♥ [Trans] 100422 ♥--
--♥ Tohomobile Staff blog ♥--

Dance lesson!

Yesterday, after the magazine promotion there was a dance lesson!
Before filming the music video
Junsu’s face and body shows power!
The dancers seem to have trouble keeping up with
Junsu teachers tension *laugh*.
Somebody stop!!
Junsu continued to dance during break time so
I warned him to take a rest then…

He started playing the piano (*_*)
I warned him to rest without singing…
Junsu all of the sudden started doing a hand stand.
Junsu won’t stop~, somebody stop him~~!!

This is a story between us
Junsu was dancing alone during the magazine photo shoot!
It seems that he cant wait for the dance lesson..!
In the resting room
Junsu said “Puri Tsuke”
instead of “Puri ketsu” so iI corrected him *laughs*

This is the Japanese word
Junsu learned recently☆
this story is just between us!

T/N puri ketsu: puri is a sound effect. its kind of the sound effect you use for a pudding. and ketsu is butt, basically meaning he has pudding-like butt lol

credit: poplez
trans by: sharingyoochun.net
Shared By:TvxqpowerfulGods
Posted By:
Sayuri JaeJoong

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