
--♥ [TRANS] ♥--
--♥ Messages from Bigeast Members ♥--

I was looking around the DBSK forum in soompi,
reading what everyone else had to say about the latest news...
...and then I came across this:

I translated a few messages from various Japanese blogs and forums.
Bigeast are really wonderful~
They believe in
Tohoshinki no matter what we should learn a lot from them too!!


It’s so sad
But I think the ones suffering the most
Must be those 5.
Right now all us fans can do Is believe in tohoshinki Whilst waiting.
All 5 will definitely return to us
It will be ok!!


It’s such a shock
But I trust that someday they will return to us smiling
And at that time the smiling faces of their fans
Will welcome them back home^^


Everyone you must try to not be in pain (^^)/
Right now the ones hurting the most are probably tohoshinki…
Even with individual activities we should watch over
and protect each and every member,
because isn’t it better to keep supporting them?
That way won’t we all feel happier (^^)d


Bigeast mail came!!
I was so excited whilst I opened it but…
My hands went so cold . However, they are not breaking up just pausing,
It could even just be a few days, I’ll pray those 5 smiles will return to us!!
It’s so sad However!! They aren’t breaking up. Let’s all think positiveヽ(^o^)丿
So that we can all say “welcome back” with a smile!
Be positive!
Let’s walk forward! Let’s smile!
I too at first couldn't believe it...
but when i realized the ones who are
really hurting right now are them I opened my eyes!!
What us fans can do Is watch over them with a smile.
Let's continue to support them Fighting!
(T/N: she wrote "fighting" in korean^^)
Yesterday when i heard this i was shocked the tears wouldnt stop falling But...
Tohoshinki is forever!!!!(*^^*)
I will wait with a smile to welcome back their activities as 5★
because tommorow will surely come
(T/N: lyrics from asu wa kuru kara)
They aren't breaking up just pausing This way they have more time to find a solution I'll be praying to see
Tohoshinki's come-back performance Everyone you are the best (*^^*) From here on just like always let's support them...
These are just a few I happened to pick out but they
are all pretty much like this. Let's have a little more faith, okay?! ;)
The opposite of faith isn't when you give up,
it's when you become indifferent, when you think to yourself
"I don't care what happens anymore".
I do care and i know we all do, so much that it hurts.
For everyone that cried, felt angry, betrayed,
confused, lost, or the fact that it affected you so
much must mean that you are continuing to hold onto something.
Even if some of you decide that you can't support
their solo activities that doesn't mean you have lost faith in them.
Please everyone treasure that feeling of faith you have in the boys, in our boys.
If you give up faith then we really have nothing left.
Always keep the faith♥

Credits: 래츨♥@soompi
Shared by:TvxqPowerfulGods
Posted By:
Sayuri JaeJoong

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