
--♥ [TRANS] 100917-100918 ♥--
--♥ Max Matsuura's Twitter Updates ♥--

I will be silent for a while. I'm an overly-emotional person.
11:07am Sept 18th from Echofon

We did what we can. We don’t know why, but they chose that person. If so, there is no other choice but for things to turn out like this! Since their background has an anti-social influence, the result should be like this. We requested until the very last minute for them to choose Avex. But for reasons we do not know, we were rejected. Even so, I still like the three of them.
11:04am Sept 18th from Echofon

We are not telling lies that we know will be exposed in a matter of time. Period.
10:18pm Sept 17th from Echofon

If we're such a terrible company, I think all the artists in Avex would have quit working here. Yes, it’s kind of strange for me to say it myself, but…I think we’re a good company. Our company is not good with words. This time again, the real victim is…
9:48pm Sept 17th from Echofon

Please read from bottom to top.

Source: Max Matsuura's Twitter
Translation: linhkawaii, mel, and smiley @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com
{ One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact.

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