
--♥ [Trans] 100923 ♥--
--♥ JYJ Special Site ♥-–
--♥ Staff Report Update ♥--

T/N: All photos have been reduced in size as even international fans can sign up for the site & pay to access it.
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Doing well in the solo shots~♪

A certain day in August.
At a studio in Korea to do the shoot for the jacket photo for 「The…」!
First, we started from Jejung’s solo card♪

“How’s the feel of this~~??”
As he checked his pose (t/n: to see if it’s acceptable)
that made use of the mic, we could proceed smoothly♪

Thinking about the title…!

While waiting for Yuchun, who had to come to the studio a little later than the other 2 because of his drama, Junsu had his lunch without delay.

For lunch, he had the Korean norimaki “kimbap”.

This kind of Junsu-sensei. Deciding on the title for the mini album.
“Because I want to express this great love through the title!!!!” he said really, really rea~lly passionately! Junsu decided on 『The LOVE』 as the title and Jejung, who was next to him and spacing out as he thought, said, “If that’s the case, isn’t 『The…』 cool?”

After that, an intense discussion began between Junsu and Jejung (laugh) and the title was decided by all 3 of them after Yuchun arrived! And so, we were able to return to having a quiet lunchtime.

Yuchun, calm down~!!

And then, Yuchun arrived!!

Yuchun, who was filming his drama from the the previous day until dawn!

We wondered if he would feel tired but contrary to what we thought, he shook free of his tiredness and his tension was super high
When he arrived at the studio, he was passionately singing
「いつだって君に」 (t/n: “Itsudatte kimi ni”), filled with emotions (laugh).
All the staff who were around burst out in laughter…!…
Yuchun, calm down~!!

source: [JYJ Special Site]
translation credits: mandasoh@tohosomnia.net
shared by: tohosomnia.net
Do not remove/add on any credits

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