
JYJ In Singapore

before writing my fanaccount of the showcase, i'm gonna share 2 personal encounters with the boys :)

as dailytofu shared, we went to the showcase together :) she has amazing goodies to show you guys, so anticipate that!
for me, it's just me and my memory (which i take pride in) lol!

i've always wanted to witness jae's airport fashion parade and airport strut so even though i knew i would be squashed and possibly trampled on, i bravely made my way to the airport.
i was there early, and i waited for about 3 hours before the boys finally came out.
i was lucky, i managed to inch my way to the front, first row behind the barricade, and right in front of the exit ♥
shall skip the parts where fans went crazy, screaming over nothing, multiple false alarms (aka their dancers)
i was so jittery and nervous, my hands were cold and clammy! i was holding on to the barricade bar for dear life (1. in case i faint. 2. in case the people behind me squashed me to death)
and finally, they boys appeared. i instinctively knew it was them. it's impossible to miss.
i spotted junsu first, cos he was wearing that bright red jacket.
then i saw chunnie, very classical chunnie airport outfit :lol:
but my eyes lingered on chun and su for just a spilt second because i was immediately drawn to jae.♥
(warning: spazz attack coming.. but i'm not just spazzing biasedly.
it's truly how i felt
i finally knew what visual shock meant.
that guy, is impossible.
freaking gorgeous ♥
actually, i'm convinced he's not human
he's the most handsome creature i ever laid my eyes on
he's so stunningly beautiful that it just takes your breath away
pictures does him no justice because he looks 1000000 times better in person.
seeing is believing. jae. is. beauty. personified♥
no one is perfect, but jae comes damn close.♥
i was in awe. i couldn't even scream. all i could let out was a weak and helpless "jae oppa....."
and it's like the sun follows him around or something.
he positively glows. i'm not kidding you.
he is so fair and white! his skin is flawless. and his body is an work of art.
when i first saw him, god, he's just like a little piece of heaven on earth. ♥
it's god's grace, he's really an angel.
he's so beautiful that it's agonizing to tear my eyes away. after he was gone from my field of vision, i chased after him. but amidst the crowd, all i could see was jae's silky hair bobbing up and down among the sea of head. i was close to tears because i just want to see him for a tad bit longer.
possibly just 5 seconds of jae, but it was tooo precious ♥
even till now, that image of jae when i first laid my eyes on him, is etched vividly in my mind.
i hope it stays in there forever, because it was just too beautiful. too too beautiful ♥

Shared By:TvxqPowerfulGods日本FanBlog
Posted By:Sayuri JaeJoong♥

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