
JYJ In Singapore

If U are our reader U read the part One
But If U arriving now , no problem
Check the Petiteange22♥ fanaccount part I here


so after the airport encounter, dailytofu, a friend N and myself decided to stop by the boys' hotel.
we knew they had a presscon, and it's only for the media, but we just wanted to try our luck.
when i got off the cab and made my way to enter the hotel, i saw a sizeable group of fans at the entrance. they were visibly and audibly excited over something.
then, i saw this black van pulling up by the roadside. who's black van? JYJ!
!#@%!@#% how lucky were we?
jyj left the airport a good 10-15mins before us! and we arrive JUST before they reached.
%!#%!@# thank you, god! i still can't believe our luck. :lol:
and the best thing is, we were strategically positioned.
look at picture for illustration :lol:
this is what they call, at the right place, at the right time ^^
the view was awesome.
(p.s i'm sure you all knew how deeply captivated i was by jae.
at the airport, my eyes only had jae.
in the cab, dailytofu and N were telling me how handsome and charismatic chunnie was.
but because i was so caught up with jae, i missed that. so i told myself, if i have a second chance, i would look at chunnie more closely. and guess what? IT PAID OFF!)

first to walk by was susu. (i'm sorry i didn't see much of him)
then jae♥ @#%!@#%@#$% why so gorgeous jae? he is a walking piece of art.
he looked like he just stepped out of a comic book.
a comic book drawn by the best artist on earth.
flawless beauty♥
best part of all? jae gave a small smile, kinda like a cheeky smirk, right before he entered the hotel♥ AND I SAW IT!!!!!
oh gosh, jae sure does things to my heart♥ :lol:

the last to walk by was chunnie.
i had my eyes on him this time.
and as he was walking towards the entrance, he gave a big SMILE in our direction. AT US!♥ there was only the 3 of us standing at that side of the entrance, so we were right in front. so we got a good clear view of chunnie's lovely smile♥
oh my god oh my god. CHUNNIE SMILED AT US!!!!!!!!!♥♥♥
it's not a small shy smile like jae but a huge happy smile!!!! ♥
chunnie is not as visual shocking (lol that because an adjective!) as jae but he sure is charming. VERY charming♥ and his smile♥ god! enough to send anyone in to spazzing fangirl mode!!!
i was soooo awestruck and spazzy that i was jumping about with N. :lol
dailytofu was so calm, with her camera in hand and everything.

it was such an amazing experience.
jae's small smile and chunnie's happy smile.

i'm going out now.
promise to be back tonight to share my fanaccount of the showcase :)

Shared By:TvxqPowerfulGods日本FanBlog
Posted By:Sayuri JaeJoong


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