
JYJ Showcase Fanaccount

i just got back from the sg showcase and it was a blast !

when the lights went out, the red ocean was so clear & pretty, tears started to form in my eyes. i thought i wouldnt be able to expect a red ocean & from where i was seated, i could see all the red lightsticks shaking with so much enthusiasism. there was also a big "W" formed with green lightsticks at the tiered seats & it was really beautiful !

they started with empty (that has got to be my favourite song & choreography) & they looked smoking hot in white ! then it was be the one & be my girl. Their live singing is totally ♥ (its even better than the recorded version) & they danced with such synchronisation & precision.

the translator was so nervous, he kept stuttering & translated some parts inaccurately & the host was pretty LOL (some didnt like him but i was okay with it). junsu & jaejoong seems like they blanked out for a little while because they couldnt understand most of it & micky was all LOL-ing by himself. XD In the end, micky translated some parts to junsu and jaejoong & it was cute to see their interactions. XD jaejoong & micky kept gesturing towards junsu whenever a question was asked & junsu would signal back to jaejoong & micky ♥

micky spoke mostly in english & he said that we can expect to see them some time next year because they will be back for a concert & he shouted "ALWAYS KEEP THE FAITH!" & the crowd went WILDDDDD ! ♥ i am so glad that they are considering putting SG into their future plans because it was a really less minute addition to their hectic schedule.

Jaejoong actually introduced the next song which is chajatta. While he was introducing it, fans were screaming & so it went: "this is a song from Sungkyunkwan Scandal... HAHAHAHA" IT WAS SUPER CUTEEEE ♥ there were fanchants (their names) but i am not sure if they can hear it XD Jaejoong did this little dance during the music break & it was superrrrr cute XDD micky's wide-collar top was draping over his left shoulder & my friend & I went crazy LOL.

the most amazing part was during the remix of empty and they shouted "STAND UP!" (because we were not allowed to stand -.-), everybody practically jumped out of their seats at that very instant & started jumping. The atmosphere was so amazing & i am pretty sure the boys enjoyed it alot ! people started rushing to the front, standing on chairs (i did that & i was practically jumping on my chair XD) & all the cameras started appearing XD (the securities were really strict today).

sorry i cant really remember much of the sequence & details cos i was having such a great time XDDD

To fans who are anticipating their showcase in their countries, its really a great showcase even though its quite short (can never get enough of the boys anw XD) & JYJ will never fail to impress us ! i had a really great time & many fans were seen crying when it was close to the end. Hoping to see some great fancams from you guys ! <3 beginning=""> OF JYJ ♥

Shared By:TvxqPowerfulGods日本FanBlog
Posted By:Sayuri JaeJoong


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