
[TRANS] 101022
Jung Yunho, Kim Kang Woo,
And Eric Turn Into Marine Police

Korea's first marine drama, 'Poseidon' will be lead by Jung Yunho, Kim Kang Woo, and Eric as main characters. The drama used the term 'Poseidon' for the name of the Korean Special Service Marine Police, depicting the friendship and sacrificial spirit of each person to interpret the value of life.

This week, a practice shot was filmed of the three people at the training location for the marine drama 'Poseidon'. A newscaster said, "the actors received training from the Incheon Special Service Marine Police, and have completed the filming of test shots.

PD Yoo Chul Yong ('All In') will take direct this drama, and Jo Kyu Won ('IRIS') will be in charge of the script-writing, which creates great anticipation. The drama is set to be released in 2011.

T/N: SM has not confirmed this entirely as Yunho only went to get a feel of everything. Please read this lightly, thanks.

Source: [baidutvxq]
Translation credits: Supernike911@tohosomnia.net
Shared by: tohosomnia.net
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