
Ayumi Hamasaki Responds
To Her Rumor With Jaejoong +1

kvvtan: Ayu, it was written in the weekly magazine that you met up with Jaejoong in Seoul (-ω-)
ayu_19980408 reply: Kimchi secret meeting!! Me eating Kimchi is exposed!!! lol

JJ9095TVXQ: If you two really met up, I can accept it, because no matter what, the both of you are a really matching pair ( ̄▽ ̄;
ayu_19980408 reply: I didn't mean it that way. It's simple because he's really cute, but to me, he's only a young junior.

Source: [baidutvxq]
Translation credits: Supernike911@tohosomnia.net
Shared by: tohosomnia.net
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[TRANS] 101028
Ayumi Hamasaki Responds To
Her Rumor With Jaejoong (Around 10AM KST)

@ayu_19980408 he followed me so i followed back!!!! RT @cocoa_1002: @ayu_19980408 i see you followed jejung huh(*^^*)

@ayu_19980408 & I'll be happy if this chain of fake reports lessen RT @maami10020602: @ayu_19980408 I hope to see Ayu-chan & Jejung talking~( *^^* )

@ayu_19980408 That is so. It was done so that fans from both sides can have peace of mind. RT @TeamAyu_andMac: @ayu_19980408 Because there's nothing, that's why it was done openly right? Just like Ayu to do so! (t/n: she means ayu & jae have nothing to hide, that's why they tweet each other openly)

Source: [Ayu's twitter]
Translation credits: mandasoh@tohosomnia.net
Shared by: tohosomnia.net
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