
[TRANS] 101028
MASTER POST - JYJ Twitter Updates

Yoochun doesn't make his own hot chocolate, and teases SKK staff members
(Yoochun) @mirang_ Mirang~Congratulations!! Your camera's busted~What are you going to film the making film with now??^^ (around 6:45am KST)
(Mirang) @6002theMicky I should have protected the camera more than my body even when I fell over... But you seemed to be enjoying watching me suffer too much when I felt like I was going to die.!! (around 9am KST)

(Yoochun) Ji Yeun is so cold that she's praying ~^^ I told you to get me some hot chocolate~~!!!! http://yfrog.com/07ne0j (around 6:45am KST)
(Ji Yeun) @6002theMicky ....ㅠㅠ Oppa, you shouldn't be like this... I made you your hot chocolate.. (around 7:45am KST)
(Yoochun) @ssongjiyeun And you saw me drink it all in one shot^^!!! hahaha Try to get some sleep on the way there, and when you see Ah In, tell him I'm jealous that he gets to move locations with the Hot Chocolate Lady hahaha (around 8am KST)
(Ji Yeun) @6002theMicky kekeke ㅠㅠ The hot chocolate I make is the tastiest one you'll ever have ~keke You should rest too, and I'll see you in a couple of hours~~! (around 8am KST)

(Yoochun) It's another morning that I longed to see...

Jaejoong wakes up and remembers how to upload his pohtos correctly -Part 1
(Jaejoong) Good morning ^^ (around 08:30am KST)
(Jaejoong) @6002theMicky Yoochun, are you filming right now? (around 8:45am KST)
(Jaejoong) Oh, it's cold!
(around 09:30am KST)

Jaejoong & akionosuke & OMFG AYU!
(akionosuke) @mjjeje morning~ (around 9am KST)
(Jaejoong) @akionosuke morning!! (around 10am KST)

Jaejoong tweets Ayu~ (t/n: they speak in casual form to each other :D)
(Jaejoong) @ayu_19980408 I can't type in Japanese using this phone~ (around 9am KST)
(Ayu) @mjjeje yeah, I can tell (LOL) (around 10am KST)

Jaejae can't get over the lack of emoji...
(Jaejoong) @ayu_19980408 I guess I can't use emoticons too~ in any case, Ayu can keep using Japanese ok! (around 10am KST)
(Ayu) @mjjeje OK↑ (around 10am KST)

Jaejoong wakes up and remembers how to upload his pohtos correctly -Part 2
(Jaejoong) It's cold, it's cold!!
http://yfrog.com/m9is0wj (11:04am KST)

Junsu makes his appearance and is greeted by a pleasant surprise
(Junsu) Good afternoon^^ (2:02pm KST)
(Jaejoong) @0101xiahtic Hi Junsu, I'm here with Sasagawa-san and Aki-san~ (2:24pm KST)
(Junsu) @mjjeje Sasagawa-san and Aki-san??????? (4:45pm KST)
(Jaejoong) @0101xiahtic Yeah, they flew in for filming haha They miss all the members (4:48pm KST)

Jaejoong's conversation with AAA's Naoya Urata (Around 2.30PM KST)
(Nao) @UN1982 What are you doing? RT @mjjeje: 추워추워!! http://yfrog.com/m9is0wj
(Jaejoong) @mjjeje @UN1982 Playing !! while working^^
(Nao) @UN1982 @mjjeje Awesome~ Looks fun!
(Jaejoong) @mjjeje @UN1982 ^^This job is really too fun!
(Nao) @UN1982 @mjjeje That's nice!!
(Jaejoong) @mjjeje @UN1982 Nao isn't working today?
(Nao) @UN1982 @mjjeje I'm resting today!!
(Jaejoong) @mjjeje @UN1982 Rest well^^ I'll work hard^
(Nao) @UN1982 @mjjeje Thanks! Do your best!

Junsu Branches out into the World of Twitter
(Junsu) @kangsungpil Sung Pil hyung, did it work?? (4:08 pm KST)
(Sung Pil) @0101xiahtic keke Okay~~ Let's talk on the phone later~~ Welcome to the world of Twitter^^* I'll call you after I'm done filming~ (4:39pm KST)
(Junsu) @kangsungpil Yes, yes~ Ah, I still don't know how to work this thing (Twitter) well.. Keh ㅠ (4:59pm KST)

(Kyung Jong) That felt so useless... I feel like all I did was take attendance. ㅠㅠ So this is what happens when you take a short break~ (3:14pm KST)
(Junsu) @StarBell87 Aw, you must have lost~ It's okay~ You do a lot of different things now^^ (4:10pm KST)
(Kyung Jong) @0101xiahtic keke Ah, there's a lot of traffic ㅠㅜ I suddenly feel like eating Goobnae boneless chicken..... kekeke (6:03pm KST)
(Junsu) @StarBell87 Let's eat boneless chicken~!! (6:38pm KST)

(Junsu) The night view on this day was truly beautiful..
http://yfrog.com/75th4wj (4:42pm KST)
(Joo Yeon) @0101xiahtic Junsu~ Where is that?? The night view is so pretty haha (5:09pm KST)
(Junsu) It's Yokohama, Japan^^ (5:26pm KST)

Jaejoong congratulates Eita san
(Jaejoong) The day is unfortunately ending.. Eita san and Kaela Kimura, congratulations on your newborn son^^ http://yfrog.com/5dnslwj (6:19pm KST)

Jaejoong's been a naughty friend
(Ida) @mjjeje What's with being on Twitter but ignoring my BBMs~? haha Don't ignore my texts~ hahaha (6:56pm KST)
(Jaejoong) @realISAK No, all I was doing was temporarily putting them aside haha (7:06pm KST)
(Ida) @mjjeje You sure~? haha (7:08pm KST)
(Jaejoong) @realISAK A friend should be understanding of such things! (7:09pm KST)
(Ida) @mjjeje Sure, sure~ O, O,, Okay~ I understand, I guess,,~ (7:10pm KST)
(Jaejoong) @realISAK You're the best, Ida! (7:14pm KST)
(Ida) @mjjeje You must not be busy today~ It feels like you've been tweeting all day long~ (7:16pm KST)
(Jaejoong) I've been tweeting every time I get a break ㅠ I feel so lively every day! (7:22pm KST)
(Ida) @mjjeje Twitter addict~? It's a good thing~ It's been a year since I made a Twitter account, and at first, I was on it all day~ haha (7:27pm KST)

Yoochun and Jaejoong plan a dinner date, Junsu is jealous
(Jaejoong) @6002theMicky Yoochun, good luck filming and hurry back soon ㅠ You don't have much left so be strong, and when you're done, let's have a really delicious meal together with a glass of soju ㅜ Kya (6:23pm KST)
(Yoochun) @mjjeje Hyung, you can do the cooking^^ and I'll bring some good liquor^^ (around 7:04pm KST)
(Jaejoong) @6002theMicky Call (Okay)! But... (7:07pm KST)
(Yoochun) @mjjeje What??? (7:09pm KST)
(Junsu) Wow, just because I don't drink.. They leave me out of the conversation ㅠ lol (7:10pm KST)
(Jaejoong) @0101xiahtic I..I love you..I'd never want to leave you out of something ..Then you can pay for dinner then hahaha (7:15pm KST)
(Yoochun) @0101xiahtic I'm sorry!!!!!!!! I forgot about you!!! (7:15pm KST)
(Jaejoong) @6002theMicky If I'm the one cooking, who is going to be buying the ingredients? But I think Junsu's going to take us out for dinner! haha (7:15pm KST)
(Yoochun) @mjjeje Then!! Let's rent out a good bar!! And let Junsu take care of the bill (7:16pm KST)
(Jaejoong) @6002theMicky Call (Okay)!!!!! (7:21pm KST)
(Junsu) Since I don't drink.. I'll just bring some bar snacks lol (8:29pm KST)
(Junsu) Yes~ Since Yoochun is the only one with two jobs these days, Yoochun should pay^^ (11:12pm KST)

Jung Gun Young wants to join in on the night out and Yoochun responds
(Gun Young) @mjjeje @6002theMicky I'll bring water (7:14pm KST)
(Yoochun) @zerotic0124 hahahahahahahahaha I'll bring SamDaSoo (a brand of water)! (7:15pm KST)
(Gun Young) @6002theMicky I'll bring SaDaSoo (lame joke, because 'Sam' is phonetically equal to '3' while 'Sa' is equal to '4') (7:24pm KST)

Yoochun 1 : Kang Sung Pil 0
(Sung Pil) @6002theMicky If you're talking about alcohol.. then I should be included~~ How could you think of going out without me?? Do kids like you know the real taste of alcohol??lol (7:16pm KST)
(Yoochun) @kangsungpil hahahahahahaha^^ Sung Pil hyung, who I love^^ Of course you should come with us!!^^ Then you can take care of the bill!!!! (7:21pm KST)
(Sung Pil) @6002theMicky I knew it~~You're a hard one to beat^^* First round will be with lamb kebabs~~ (7:25pm KST)
(Yoochun) @kangsungpil Ah~~~It can't be helped!! Thanks hyung!!! hahahaha^^ (7:34pm KST)

Kang Sung Pil chats with Junsu
(Sung Pil) @0101xiahtic Junsu~~ Yoochun's filming right now~~ Did you have a good dinner??^^* (8:35pm KST)
(Junsu) @kangsungpil I had what I like; chicken for dinner again lol (9:03pm KST)

Jaejoong shows of Jiji's room and reminisces
(Jaejoong) This is Jiji's room. I talked on the phone with our Japanese staff today for the first time in a while, and we talked about the staff who have left since the last time we met and about the members~ I miss everyone. Everyone, we will definitely meet again.
http://yfrog.com/f7bygdj (9:37pm KST)

Jaejoong spoils Jiji... a lot
(akionosuke) @mjjeje Are they all (only) Jiji's toys? (9:44pm KST)
(Jaejoong) @akionosuke Jiji is a prince, so we have to do our best ^^ (10:43pm KST)
(akionosuke) @mjjeje Aren't you a prince too? ^^
Is Prince Jiji well? (10:46pm KST)
(Jaejoong) @akionosuke He is too energetic, it's a problem ;
(10:49pm KST)
(akionosuke) @mjjeje A photo of the energetic Jiji, please!!!^^
(10:52pm KST)

Jaejoong bids farewell
(Jaejoong) Goodnight, everyone^^ (12:57am KST)

Source: [Jaejoong+Yoochun+Junsu+Others' twitter]
Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net + mandasoh@tohosomnia.net + ssunsett@tohosomnia.net
Shared by: tohosomnia.net
Do not remove/add on any credits


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