
JYJ News Report on My Paper

PR Rephrases Questions From Reporters

Aptly titled “The Beginning,” the new album represents a new chapter for the three members.

When asked by reporters on their thoughts of the "beginning," and if it was of mixed feelings, the PR representative took over and rephrased the question to "let them share about their thoughts on the album 'The Beginning'".

I then tried to ask tactfully if their feelings were affected when faced with obstacles in the three members' "beginning."

Amongst the members of JYJ, YooChun both speaks and understands English. However, before he was able to respond to my question, the PR representative replied to me sternly, "[We] will not answer this question," before turning to the translator to tell him "You do not need to translate this question."

Another reporter conveyed the wishes of the fans, saying that many fans have expressed on the website to see the five members reuniting again, before asking if there would be a possibility for this wish to be realized one day.

Again, the PR representative immediately blocked the question before JYJ could respond.

Throughout the entire conference, only two questions "passed."

Were the three members worried before the release of the new album?

They answered honestly that they were worried about the album sales and their progress in the future.

What was the happiest aspect after forming JYJ?
The three expressed that they felt sorry towards the fans for making them wait so long and that they hope to reciprocate and repay the fans' love in the future with more performances and activities.

YooChun Says "Sorry" To The Reporters

As YooChun speaks English,
I believe he understood all of the questions from the media.

Even if he were to say, "I'm sorry, but we are not at liberty to answer this question," the media would have been willing to accept that answer. However, in most instances, even before he was able to reply, or before the question could be translated for the other two members, someone would take over and block off the question, even though [YooChun] had not glanced to the staff for help.

The organizers believed that by shielding JYJ from the sensitive questions, it would make it easier for the members. In actual fact, however, it only worsened the situation.

By depriving the artistes the opportunity to respond, it only made them seem to be incapable of their own thoughts and opinions and that they were not able to handle the conference by themselves. Later on, when the three members met the reporters in the lobby, YooChun said "sorry" to the reporters, as though he was apologizing for the conference earlier which had ended on a bad note.

This single word of "sorry" has led me to think that the three members may be hiding something; perhaps they have something to express but are not given the chance to?

Source: My Paper
Translation: tvxqhwaiting + kimuchi3005 @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com
{ One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
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