
JYJ NYC Fanaccount

My memories are not given in time order. Too much awesome to remember ㅎㅎㅎㅎ I’ll try my best, of course ^_~ And I'm Junsu biased, but I remember a lot of Yoochun, too!

I won the tickets for this event on Thursday, but then my guest and bestie Tanya got a call while waiting on line for the Showcase! Tanya (fan account coming soon!) and I did not try to be early to the location, but we came about an hour before the staff told us to arrive. We became the fifth and sixth person in line! The other fans were just as calm and orderly as us and the MTVK staff gave us rules to keep us that way- a stark contrast from the day before, but exactly what I wanted.

A few minutes of waiting had past, and I noticed a shiny black sedan pulling up to the curb. Without hesitating and heart pounding like crazy, I peered inside the non-tinted window to see three men in the back seat! Jaejoong on the left, Junsu in the middle, and Yoochun on the right!! I quickly got out my The Beginning CD booklet, marker, and a post-it with my name spelled out. I couldn't tell if I was shaking, but my insides felt like they were experiencing an earthquake! There might have been twenty or so fans lined up by this time but we were all standing quietly up against the building in disbelief. “Noooo, that's not them! Can't be? What the…?!” We're a funny bunch ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

However, it was indeed JYJ. About two or three staff were there waiting for them when Jae’s side door was opened. LOL there were a few New Yorkers walking along the sidewalk at this moment and they stopped right in front of the door. They were closer than us!!!! AHHHH JAE-LOUS!! None, literally none, of the fans ran up to boys and only a few were calling out to them. It wasn’t even screaming or yelling! I love these fans! Anyway, Jaejoong quickly skedaddled to the only entrance into the studio. Tanya missed getting him on her fancam (view here), but she got Junsu and Yoochun also trying to walk inside as quickly as possible without making any eye contact with us. Can’t excite the fans, y’know? Or else…mayhem -_- You can hear me calling out for Junsu and giggling like a six-year-old and then for Yoochun, too, in the vid. I wish I had the guts to ask for those autographs, but then all the other fans would have charged at them, too. Poor babies, they must've been tired from last night‘s performance….

After that, that sidewalk was holy land, sacred ground that Rising Gods of the East had walked upon. I saw them close up last night in the Hammerstein, but I was shaking inside after this! Omg, kinda shaking while writing about it now!

We were all told to arrive at 1PM to sign some papers and have the cameramen get video and photos of us. I had made laminated signs of JYJ’s names in Korean, so Tanya and I had the cameramen all up in our faces xD We're camera shy, but something about JYJ made us become camwhores!

Finally after coat, bag, camera, and cellphone check, all fifty or sixty of us entered the set. There were luxurious red curtains and about three gorgeous crystal chandeliers hanging. The lights gave off a beautiful bright purple hue. Is this what heaven looks like? Will three angels descend upon us now? Tanya and I were lined up in the very front behind the cameras, and the boys' seats were so close to us o.O

The angels did descend…from the rear staircase, walked through the space to the right of the crowd that was packed onto the set. Yoochun walked out first, and then I think it was Jaejoong and then Junsu? Tanya, before yesterday, was a Jaejoong fan; I also held the belief that Jaejoong was more beautiful than any human, male or female, on the planet. But when we saw Yoochun…O.M.G.SUN. He's definitely handsomer in person, the most gorgeous being on the planet! Such big eyes, a smile like the sun. I remembered why he was my summer love at the beginning of my DBSK stanning. Needless to say, he's stolen Tanya's heart! Jaejoong, with his golden hair, looked exactly like he does in photos and videos. FLAW.FREAKIN.LESS. Junsu, my hubby, with his favorite hair color (Cassiopeia's favorite color^^) looked so 멋있어! His almond shaped eyes ::DEAD:: They, smiling nervously and stealing quick glances into the crowd, seemed quietly excited (or was that me? n_n;) while trying to warm up for the filming.

They sat down on their stools in front of the mic stands, and I saw them notice the signs I had made! Junsu made eye contact with me then because I was carrying the 준수 sign with a pink heart on the reverse side (Tanya the 재중 / 유천 sign). Uh-oh, he's found his target o . o ME~

The live acoustic band (guitar, drums, and a keyboard), began playing “Be My Girl,” my second favorite song off of the album! Yoochun sang, not looking at anybody. Both he and Jaejoong would sing to the floor or the corner of the ceiling =.= But Junsu, the man I’ve secretly or not-so-secretly wanted to be married to for these past two years, only sang to people. STARING.DEEPLY.INTO.THEIR.SOULS. Well, that’s what it felt like to me! Right off the bat, he locked onto my eyes, or rather, eye. I was standing behind one of the staff, so I could only see him out of all the members, and only with my left eye. But he found me!! Junsu sang so many of his lines to me! When he got to “What I'm tryin to say is you should be mine / She should be my / Baby, baby / Baby, baby / Baby, baby / She should be my girl.” I couldn't even think straight ::dead::

The song ended, the director said cut, and we all applauded and cheered. The boys' smiled in relief. Yoochun clearly tired looking from his cold, wiped sweat from his famous forehead and wiped his nose. A makeup artist did touch ups, and we were all jealous of her!

During breaks, Junsu would also stare at me at times. I couldn’t comprehend the moment! I wish I could read his mind, but it was like he was trying to get me to spazz out and die! I waved at him and he smiled and looked away!! His intense eyes and his smile…….GAHHHH!

Singing live again soon, the crowd shifted left and I was now perfectly positioned to see all three of them. Omgsun, they couldn’t be more perfect! Yes, they were missing two important voices, but individually and as a trio, they sounded better than the CD! But everyone already knows that, ne? I told Sunny from MTVK and she tweeted about me: “Melissa says their singing was so impressive. she didn't expect to be flawless. Her eyes: O-o”

Take two! Cameras weaving in and out between me and Junsu but that man has skillz. He didn’t break from looking at me! He was looking at the other Filipino (omgosh CassPH girls, hanapin mo ako! Ahh, my Tagalog is so rusty!) and Tanya on my left and at another girl on the far right &&& HE KILLED US ALL @_@ Junsu was definitely born to be a performer!

Second break time! They all got touch-ups. I wanted to touch Junsu's face ㅠㅠㅠㅠ This also might’ve been when someone (one of them??) sneezed. There was a good two seconds of silence, and then someone said “bless you!” prompting us all to break out in laughter. It might’ve been the awesome Cassie mom (fan boys were there, too!) who yelled “YunJae!!” making Jae and the boys smile xD xD xD I held my sign at my knees, but I flipped it to the heart side. Dolphin saw it and stared back at me. I smiled crazily and covered my face with the sign. You guys don’t know how flush I felt!

My favorite song, “Empty,” was the other song they sang. They were all grooving to the music before singing. When Junsu sang, he was so into it! You know, like when he gets dimples on his right cheek or when he throws his head back! He kept looking around at his favorite fangirls and also locked on to me for quite some time. “Love won’t make you cry or ask why / Oh why / So I’ll deny my heart cause I won’t live a lie / Why try” and the chorus. Omgsun, Junsu smiling and singing at me? I think you know who owns my heart! I was mouthing the words and smiling back, but there was one point where there was too much Charisma Junsu that I just had a look of jaw-dropped astonishment. He smiled after that, too

It might’ve been after this take or the one before that Junsu started to run through the choreography while seated in his stool. SO. FRICKEN. CUTE & COOL AT THE SAME TIME! I had always imagined him like this xD

I really can’t remember the order of any of these things, but the director was telling Yoochun to look at the crowd and pointed toward my direction. Yoochun had to introduce the song, “We are JYJ and this song called ‘Be My Girl/Empty.’” He looked at me for a few split seconds, but he could hold on to me and looked to my left. Director-nim had him do it so many times, “한 번만 더. 한 번만 더. 한 번만 더.” I was so grateful! Yoochun’s voice is so deep and sexy ::melts:: The director walked up to him and told him that his English was off: “…this song is called…” LOL CHUNGRISH FTW! He messed up one time; he was embarrassed, winced, and covered his face over the microphone! SO ADORABLE! But the most precious flub was when he was looking at Tanya and she broke out in a grin and he couldn’t take it! He smiled and pointed and one of the fans told us Junsu said, “Big smile.” LOLOLOL Tanya is forever known as Big Smile.

I also can't remember when this took place, but when Yoochun was concentrating really hard and mouthing the lyrics, he was staring at what seemed to be my shoes. I felt uber uncomfortable. But I could only allow him to stare while I stared back at him and his beauty ::drools::

They shook hands as they quickly exited the stage. I was sad Junsu didn't come to me, but I was getting a lot of attention before xD. Autographs and T-shirts were supposed to be distributed to us, but MTVK is hold them for a sweepstakes on their website. This is by far the best experience of my life. It more than makes up for yesterday’s waiting, chaos, and torture. I might talk about that when I’m ready.

Fellow Cassiopeia, whatever it costs, you have to see these guys in person. Support them as much as you can. And never, never, never lose the faith.
Credit me when taking out!

Credits:MelisSy @ OneTVXQ, Xiah-sshi / Misa @ Blogger
Shared By:TvxqPowerfulGods日本FanBlog
Posted By:Sayuri JaeJoong


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