
MTV K Casting Call:
Want To Be Part Of
A Secret JYJ Concert In NYC?

Monday, November 8, 2010 by Sunny Kim in Exclusives, Music
They’ve sold out showcases in Korea, finished a concert in Shanghai and their next stop is NYC! JYJ is almost here and MTV K has some huge news for NYC fans!

We’re going to be doing a special live taping with the boys and we want MTV K fans to be a part of it! Intimate and unplugged, this is the chance of a lifetime to watch JYJ perform up-close and personal.

MTV K is currently casting audience members for the exclusive performance on Saturday, November 13th at a secret NYC venue. The only requirements?

* You must be 16-25.
* Available on Saturday, November 13th from 11am to 6pm
* Most importantly, you have to love JYJ so much you know everything about them. We want superfans!

Submit your application at the MTV K Casting Call Page to be considered and who knows, you might even end up on camera!

p.s I’ll also be there to ask JYJ questions and take behind-the-scenes photos. (Yes, I’m freaking out) Of course, that means that I want to hear from you!

Leave questions you’d like to ask JYJ right here and I’ll try my best to include as much as I can!
Update: Everyone chosen will receive a pair of tickets and audience members will be notified by Thursday, November 11th.

Shared By:TvxqPowerfulGods日本FanBlog
Posted By:Sayuri JaeJoong

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