
[TRANS] 101108
Crazy Cat Lady on the Rampage.. Again

(Junsu) Our Tigger.. I’ve been looking at a map and he’s been sitting next to me for the past 15 minutes looking at it with me.. Can you even understand it? Lol http://yfrog.com/fx74668980j (7:45pm KST)

(Junsu) kekeke http://yfrog.com/fkav6j (7:51pm KST)

(Junsu) Soon after, he fell asleep right there with the keyboard as his pillow and the mouse pad as his bed.. (7:51pm KST)

(Junsu) Soon after, he fell asleep right there with the keyboard as his pillow and the mouse pad as his bed~ lol http://yfrog.com/499j2oj (7:53pm KST)

(Junsu) This rascal.. He wasn’t like this in the past.. I’ve noticed that he’s been following only me these days.. When I’m on the computer, he sits on the desk, when I get on the bed, he gets on the bed, when I sit on the sofa, he sits on my lap.. When I go to the bathroom, he patiently waits in front of the door http://yfrog.com/mobmuj (8:05pm KST)

(Junsu) It’s Bakira, for once in a while~ His expression seems to be saying, ‘What’re you looking at’!! lol But this kid has a really kind heart.. He’s the owner of eyes the color of the blue sea~ http://yfrog.com/n8vo2ajj (8:10pm KST)

(Junsu) Hi. http://yfrog.com/msui7wvj (9:22pm KST)

Credits :@tohosomnia


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