
JeJung Caused a Craze With a Phone Accessory

As all have known, the members of the group JYJ have been addicted to Twitter recently. JeJung who has been updating frequently had posted an entry on the 30th of October, together with a picture of his mobile phone accessory, an elephant soft toy, with the caption of 'Herd by herd the elephants ♬'. His tone shows a lot of love for the elephant accessory and is obviously very contented with it.

Right after the twitter was updated, it has caused a lot of feedback among the fans, as everyone was asking around the source of getting the accessory. It was later found in Lotte website under a shop named "Little Leaf," and the accessory was in high demand just like the shoyu bottle, the bossa nova accessories, and the Smiley T-Shirt from Giordano.

The shop which sold the elephant accessory was surprised and happy over this incident and wrote an entry on their blog:

[I never thought it would be so popular in this way.]

Hi everyone, I am the shop owner of Little Leaf - HAKO!

Does anyone know JeJung from the highly popular group - TVXQ?

He's the one who stands in the middle. He's very handsome man. ♪ It looks to me that he is a man who is better looking than Japanese guys.
Then, it was Mr. JeJung, who is addicted to Twitter, who updated an entry with a picture which showed Elph's Circus mobile phone accessory.

The twitter update on the 30th of October:
Its meaning: Herd by herd the elephants ♬

Opening the attached image address, the picture shows the elephant accessory.

This is really a phone accessory which in on sale in this shop. ♪

It seems like the fans are excited after seeing the picture... Especially, even though the brand name wasn't shown on the picture, yet they managed to find our shop through internet!
Fans of JeJung, you all are awesome!!
I am really grateful for your enthusiasm. ♪

Because fans have bought so much and the product is in high demand, we contacted the manufacturing company urgently, to manufacture a large batch of this product.

However, this thing that makes people even more surprised is...
That all 400 accessories were sold out in 6 hours!!!!

When hearing it, its like a dream, but its actually an actual fact > < I myself have been doing online sales for 3 years, in counting the minutes to which there would be landslide of orders to purchase a good, to be honest, this is the first time I encounter this (laughs). This time, after contacting the manufacturers, we have decided to add more stocks. Seeing this... Through this incident, I have experienced a craze that was caused by an idol star. Also, I felt the strength of a woman's psychology, 'wanting to have the same things as someone', and just by a simple picture, the whole store has changed, and it had became a legendary history for the store, really... (laughs) This kind of thing can also happen... After working hard for 3 years, miracles will also appear ^^; PS: After writing this blog entry, I have received an explosion in comments! (totally a record) I reckon that it was due to JeJung's fans who passed on the message of the news, and I'm really grateful to everyone. ♪ Kim JeJung, a member of the highly-popular group TVXQ, has introduced this phone accessory on Twitter, making its become No. 1 on the Lotte sales.
-END of blog entry-

You can refer to these addresses for other relevant information

Source: The store's ameblo blog & Lotte Sales Website +
Hey!JJ + Hero Jaejoong Baidu
Translation: tvxqhwaiting + RirikoKim @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com
{ One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact.


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