
[TRANS] 101111
JYJ Twitter Updates

Jaejoong is being whiny & cute (Japanese trans only)

(Jaejoong) Riiiiiiight! Althought I can't type in Japanese on my mobile, I can do so on my laptop^^ I'll keep using it so I won't forget itttt! Also, my nose hurrrts from the coldㅠㅠ (14:03 KST)

(Jaejoong) My head hurts from the jetlag... I also miss Jiji too.. (14:19 JST)

(Jaejoong) English, Chinese, Thai, Spanish? I'll be happy if all you could say that..ㅜㅜ (t/n: He tweets in English) (14:36 KST)

(Jaejoong) I. Won't forget Japanese, so everyone, please do your best to "learn" Korean too~ (15:01 KST)

(Jaejoong) I want to see everyone too, so please take care of me~ I'll be getting busier with all sorts of things soon so I might not be able to make contact with you guys often.. Well~ I'll UP my health even more too~^^
(t/n: he's saying he'll get healthier) (15:44 KST)

Jaejae's conversation with AAA's Naoya

(Naoya) The night is cold. http://twitpic.com/35r2e4
(Jaejoong) Hey! Is LA fun? Do your best for the photoshoot^^ (14:11 KST)

(Naoya) It's cold at night~!! Ah! You can use Japanese on Twitter now?

(Jaejoong) Yeaahh! I can do that on the laptop but I've forgotten evvvverrything!
(LOL) NY is also a little chilly..(14:31 KST)

(Naoya) Take care so you don't catch a cold!!!

I see, so you can use it if you're on the PC!!
(Jaejoong) Thank you~ I'll get well soon^^ fore sure.
Cos I'll probably be going down to LA for a short while myself^^
(14:39 KST)

(Naoya) Get better soon! Get lotsa sleep!!!

(Jaejoong) (LOL) I wanna sleep too~
I'm totally sleepy from the jetlag;; (15:07 KST)

(Naoya) Can't you sleep(>_<) If you lie down on the bed your body
will get some rest! Make sure you eat your meals regularly too!

(Jaejoong) Ok! Thanks~ Nao too~ If the timing is right, let's meet in LA^^ (15:13 KST)

Jaejae's conversation with Fukutaro (Fuku) Oh!!
Japanese(〃▽〃) (Jaejoong) (LOL) Isn't it great~ But as expected I can't do it if it's not a laptop (15:18 KST) (Fuku)
You have to try your best to sleep!!! Otherwise, we can just go and have funヽ(≧▽≦)/ (Jaejoong) If we do that won't Fuku-chan's wife get mad? (LOL) (15:21 KST) (Fuku)
(t/n: he's basically "roaring with laughter")!!
She wouldn't get mad (LOL)
She's awfully nice to Jejung (LOL) (Jaejoong)

I'm dying to see everyone again... What has Tomo been up to lately?
I forgot to send my reply to the e-mail from before. (15:32 KST)

Source: [Jaejoong & others' Twitters]
Translation credits: mandasoh@tohosomnia.net
Shared by: tohosomnia.net
Do not remove/add on any credits


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