
[NEWS]110126 JYJ’s Yoochun gives Jaejoong a unique birthday present


JYJ’s Jaejoong celebrated his 26th birthday on January 26th, and his groupmate
Park Yoochun gave him a rather unique birthday present.

Since Jaejoong is a fan of long hairstyles, Yoochun promised him that he would grow his hair until his own birthday. Considering how Yoochun’s birthday is on June 4th, it would mean that his hair would grow unchecked for at least 4 months.

Junsu, who was there for the whole scene, expressed that Yoochun’s present was something he couldn’t bear to see happen. Fortunately, Jaejoong was stated to be very touched and satisfied with his gift.

It’ll definitely be an interesting couple of months, as Yoochun tries to fulfill his promise to Jaejoong. What do you guys think? Would Yoochun look better with longer or shorter hair?

Source : Star Zone via Daum
Posted By:Sayuri JaeJoong♥

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