
[TRANS] 110125 Yunho's Japanese Fanclub Donates To Underprivileged

Japanese fans of Yunho, from the Korean popular idol group Tohoshinki, have made donations to the underpriviledged.

On the 25th, according to the Gwangju Community Chest, 300 Japanese fans of Yunho made a donation of KRW10,000,000 (t/n: approx USD$8975). In the document for the deposit, this fanclub clearly explained the purpose of their donation, "As Yunho's birthday is next month, in place of giving him a birthday present, we wanted to do something good for the people in his hometown, Gwangju."

Also, this fanclub said that it wants to model itself after Yunho's Korean fanclub which makes donations every year and expand its donation activities. The Community Chest will be transferring this donation to two local social welfare centers.

A representative from the Community Chest said, "As Yunho's birthday is coming up next month, these Japanese fans have made a donation for the underprivileged instead of giving him a birthday present" and "Yunho, who was born in Gwangju, as well as his fans, have been assisting in activities with the local child welfare centers".

In December last year, Gwangju-born Yunho donated 140 sacks (10kg; equivalent of KRW3,500,000/approx USD$3141) to Gwangju City, donated scholarships, as well as expanded his regular community service activities.

Source: [WoW!Korea]
Translation credits: mandasoh@tohosomnia.net
Shared by: tohosomnia.net
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