
[TRANS] 110202 JYJ MC during Lotte Premium Talk Show, Jan 29

Credits: yuka6002

(0:01- 0:12 Translation of subtitles)

JYJ Lotte Premium Talk Show in Seoul

Yoochun, who is singing together with the fans, the surprise birthday song for Jaejoong & Jaejoong, who wants water☆ ”Mureur juseyo”

(MC part from 0:13 – 1:46)

MC: How do you feel ?
Jaejoong: Surprises are great! I really like them. Thank you. Thank you very much!
MC: So the members, please sit down.
Jaejoong: Oh, there is no water here.
MC: Mureur juseyo (T/N: water, please. This part is in Korean)
Jaejoong & Yoochun: Mureur juseyo (T/N: water, please.)
Jaejoong: Mureur juseyo
MC: I think they will bring it right now.
Please wait for a while. Oh, all of you are really good in speaking Japanese.
Jaejoong: Well, we always tell you… when we hear those praises,
Yoochun will always answer like “Oh, no”, “Oh, no”.
MC: But, deep in your heart?
Jaejoong: Oh, I’m a good speaker!! Joke, joke, joke…
MC: Today, we would like to talk about funny episodes like these. So, we would like to proceed with the premium talk show. This year, the new year has come, one month has passed for 2011. In Korea, you will celebrate the new year day soon.
Jaejoong & Yoochun: Yes
MC: Is the new year day on Feb 3?
Jaejoong: Was it on the 3rd?
MC: Please take time drinking your water. So a month has passed since the new year…

Source: yuka6002 @ youtube
Translation: smiley @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com
{ One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
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