
[TRANS] 110226 Yunho & Changmin At Makuhari Event

What do you think is the color of each other?

Credits: tvxqakipiyo

MC: Yunho-san and Changmin-san, what do you think is the color of each other?
Changmin: Ummmm, I think Yunho is red.
MC: Red? What is the reason?
CM: I think…ummm, his passionate character perfectly fits with the image of red. I personally think that red stands for a honest character… today it’s very, very…
MC: There are laughs…
CM: What I mean by “red is honest” is; he is very sincere, passionate, I think that his character perfectly fits the color red.
MC: I see. So Yunho-san, what do you think is the color of Changmin-san?
Yunho: Blue.
MC: Blue. Please tell us the reason.
YH: I think blue fits the best with him.
CM: We are asking of the reason! Please tell us of the reason.
MC: Changmin-san…
YH: He likes the color. The reason is, Changmin is calm from the past, and his heart is like the sea, a big heart.
MC: His heart is like the sea, a big heart.
YH: And with this blue, I think that the red matches the best. So when I went to the pool a little while ago, I splashed water to him “Pyon” (T/N: Pyon is a cute phrase meaning hop or jig)
MC: Here it comes!
YH: I’m not a cute character!
Audience: (Lol) Cute, cute!
MC: Yes
MC: So, when thinking of the color of each other, red and blue was their answer.

Source: tvxqakipiyo @ youtube
Translation: smiley @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!

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