

Hi for all our dear readers!
We´re from TVXQPOWERFULGODS日本FanBlog would like to inform U
That our so beloved Amu JaeJoongie[Youtube admn]died at 1pm
She had cancer and she was fighting for her life for almost 1 year
Since this we´re just 2 sharing all news here but always supporting
Her treatment at Korea .
She was our baby and we´re very sad now...
So today our blog will be in mourning in respect for her rest
Rest in peace dear Amu JaeJoongie...
We´re proud to say we had the best Youtube Uploader with Us
Please dear readers...
Leave your comment for her here in this post Ok?
Domo Arigatou for your comprehension

We´ll love U forever Amu Chan♥ ...
With Love...


  1. She used to call me Okasan ... And I used to call her Musume ... I will love you forever my baby ...my heart is so empty .. crying..

  2. My So beloved Amu Chan...We´ll be forever a team!
    Even in Heaven I know U´ll be here always!
    I´ll love U forever my angel...
    U was my baby, my so sweet girl always loving your fushia and pink color ^-^ remember?
    I remember each detail and Once U sent me a photo from U...that I´ll save it forever with all my love... U are my "daughter" I♥U ne
    [Crying a lot]

  3. rest in peace dear Amu jaejoongi... we always love u.... haengbokkhe TTT.TTT

  4. hemm,,,, aLthough i did not who she is.. but she is cassie too ne?? and i'm sad cz of that

    and whats cancer? :(
    dearrr Amu JaeJoongie-chan....
    i hope u can rest in peace,,,,,

  5. and btw... i Love the pic >> http://imagefruity.com/images/66421803645220026224.jpg

    Card Captor Sakura ♥

  6. We are really sorry this lost. Even though we didn't know her and don't know you, YukariiChangmin & SayuriJaeJoong, we will be always thankful with all of you because you have created this blog and shared lots of info, videos, pics, etc. with us.
    We are pretty sure that SHE will take care of TVXQ and you from heaven =)
    God bless you girls forever!
    Sincerely, LatinShineTVXQ (from Peru)

  7. One day, i thought, i'll hear her playing violin in a video on internet...i'll read her telling me " i received my grades, it's ok i'm going to university", i would like to see her falling in love, i would like so many things to happen in Amu's life...
    Today i'm in England and i saw so many sculptures of angels, maybe it's because i can't stop thinking of you.
    You were already an angel in our lives, you're now a true angel above us.
    You don't know how much we missed u already...
    Please sleep well my sweetheart and dream an endless JaeJoong's dream.
    Always loving you. Laly

  8. Amu Chan♥,although we never met and chat together before. But we know that you are a great girl. The best Youtube Uploader! ♥ I love your video.

    Rest in peace Amu Chan, our sweet and beloved angel, you will be in our heart forever. We won't forget you. We Love you.♥

    The most wonderful TPG's team. And a great violinist.
    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

  9. Dear Amu chan..Its sad and shocking to hear this news. We felt really sad!
    we had promised with nanaka chan that we will meet together one day. And we were really hoping and waiting for this day to come..Meeting out to chat about TVXQ and have all the fun.
    Even though you are in heaven now, we will always remember you in our heart, The perfect team of TPG with Yukariichan and Sayurichan!!
    Hope that your passion for music/ violin will never stop..
    We will always remember you.
    Our dear lovely Amuchan..

  10. TT___TT
    my angel,i miss u so much,i was waiting for you to comeback,praying everyday for you
    i know you from YouTube we talked a lot,you where very kind and sweet angel,TT__TT
    i can't stop crying,GOD,its very hard to lose angel like you,i wish i was there with you to hold your hand hug you kiss u ,and tell you how much i love u and miss u, TT___TT.
    you are my best friend no you are my Imuto
    i'll love you forever my angel
    rest in peace my angel

  11. i am so sorry

  12. .....i was surprised and saddened to hear this.
    i didnt know that Amu Jajoongie is goin' through
    this....she always seem so happy, bubbly and
    full of life with all her post here. even though we
    didnt know each other personally, may you rest
    in peace my dear....thank you so much for
    everything....we will miss you dearly....

  13. Just randomly came upon a post on twitter about this. May Amu rest in peace, where all her pains are put to rest, and eternal happiness granted to her. Be strong admins, she loved you, and so she is still with you, smiling with you.
    God bless her and all her loved ones.

  14. I still remember the day i first knew Amu, from a misunderstanding we became friend, then i came here and met all others friends. Together we had many sweet memories, spazzing together, taking care of each other, we're the same age and we have many things in common. I miss everything abt her, i want to go back in time and tell her how much i love her again.

    Amuchan, please rest in peace, you're always in my heart, i love you my sweet angel ♥

  15. Amu Chan my angel, you were such a sweet and adorable girl.. Our Jejung would be so proud to know he has a fan like you, with such a big and pure heart...
    We'll miss you dearly.. your presence.. your love.. your fanarts.. we always kept the faith and hope that someday you'll get well and come back.. But He decided to take you away from us.. but you'll always live in our heart and soul..
    Rest in Peace Amu Chan~

    ♥Even that time when the wind stays
    It's not enough for me.
    I smile one more time and give my final greeting
    I love you.

    I am tired now and love hurts but
    Even if that time is just a memory
    I have to give my final greeting.
    I love you, I love you.

    Fly away Fly away love
    Fly away Fly away love
    Fly away Fly away love

    In the afterlife I will greet my love again♥

  16. wow
    thats shocking
    i never have believd she was fighting with cancer
    i wish we could help
    but ayu, rest in peace.

  17. I didn't know her that much. In fact I was talking with her since just...one or two months. When I read it yesterday.....I didn't know how to react, I was trembling and crying my heart out... it just hurt too much to lose a person like her
    Amu, I'll miss you and your sweet heart. Please rest and dream with Jaejoong in heaven, I know you'll take care of us, and I'll remember you everyday
    Aishiteru, Amu, rest in peace
    All bigeast, Cassiopeias and I-cassies love you and will pray for you

  18. AmuChan.. An Angel from heaven.. Its really sad to hear news like this. You are really brave.. If its me, I dont think I have such bravery..
    I didnt have a chance to talk to you. T.T
    But I really want to meet you at my next life. Rest in peace my angel♥.. you are always in my heart... Are you smiling now? Smile more angel... I ♥ you.

  19. Amu-chan..i really missed the time when we talked..i missed the time when u tell me to sleep early..i missed the time i told u not to overwork..i really missed that time..this is the most shocking news ever today..and i'm late to know this..i'm sorry..u r so brave my friend..and u r so strong..for a girl at your age,u r the strongest,and the modest i've ever known..we never meet by eyes but i know u r a great person when i talk to u..please rest in peace..be our guardian..i love u..*crying hard*

  20. berrygreenteaMarch 27, 2011

    Even though I never got the opportunity to know AmuChan, I know that she was a beloved and sweet girl. Sayuri and Yukari and AmuChan's little sis, I am so sorry for your loss. I am feeling really sad now. May she rest in peace.

  21. one of the peoplw whom left her print in my heart..i feel alone without her even more now..but i know its for the best..she is a survivor whom believed in pureness..did you know that her dream was to be a kindergarten teacher? yes she did tell me ..i love you Amu..i will never ever forget you!that's a promise i give you..
