
[FANACC] 110227 Jaejoong's Shooting at A Jewelry Shop in Tokyo

Disclaimer: the writer is a JJ fan but s/he writes this fanacc on behalf of a fan who doesn't want to write it on her own account because she's afraid that she'll receive jealous tweets.

- My friend called me around 2pm telling me that she wanted see JJ so she was going around looking for him

- After JJ uploaded a pic of Shibuya, she came there at 4pm but the shooting was already done (T_T)

- Then for some reason she came to Bossa Nova (Iwama-san's jewelry shop in Harajuku), it was about 5:30pm. She wasn't sure if JJ would come, but she was told that the store would be closed early today.

- JJ & Iwama-san's tweet exchange appeared & I told her, "Maybe JJ is coming there right now!", and she came out of the store walking around that area for 30 mins LOL

- She became confused and was about to leave, and suddenly 2 cars arrived in front of the store! When the door opened JJ immediately ran into the store like a kid. Then my friend just stood in front of the store, shocked and dumbfounded LOL

- When JJ was about to enter the store, JJ saw my friend's shocking face and was telling Iwama-san something pointing at her.

- There were around 5-6 fans at that time. My friend was still in a dazing state LOL. It seems like JJ had a very fun talk inside the store. Then the store's staff came out telling her, "From now on they'll begin shooting so please step back."

- My friend was still in a dazing state, so another staff member came out trying to walking through her saying, "Please excuse me~" and she just realized it by then. So slow LOL

- Then she was able to watch JJ in the store from the beginning until the end. He was laughing out loud, "Ahahaha~" a lot.

- A staff member came out saying, "We'll start filming you like you were coming into the store so please cooperate with us" but my friend was still in a dazing state, not noticing that other people were moving. She was staring at JJ all the time, and the staff had to remind her, "Excuse me~".

- She suddenly came to her sense saying "Hah!" and when JJ saw that, he laughed out loud "Ahahaha~"

- When she saw JJ's cute laughing face, she became dazed again.

- AT THAT TIME, JJ talked to her, "Were you waiting all the time~?", then she answered him, "asdfjkl…" LOL. According to her, she experienced a situation that she could only hear what he said LOL

- JJ said with a smile, "I came to talk to you but you kept being quiet~" and came back into the store, continued shopping and opening different drawers.

- Even when he was shopping, JJ still waved his hand to fans. Then he started pouring water into paper cups and distributing them to the staff members. He's such a nice person ♥

- JJ started to take pictures of fans with an iPhone and all of them screamed out loud LOL. It seems like the first pic was blurry and JJ was like "No good~" LOL. It seems like he took some pics of my friend in her dazing state LOL.

- Then a car came. JJ "A car~?", and the fans said in unison "A car came~!", then suddenly JJ said in Korean "3, 2, 1" and took a pic of them. After that JJ thanked them for letting him taking the pics.

- JJ went out of the store. At first there were 5-6, but now there were around 30 fans, and my friend gave up on asking him for an autograph.

- However, since my friend always believed that she would meet JJ someday, she always had a letter ready with her!!! She was about to grasp JJ's hand when a bodyguard stopped her, and she was giving up.

- Suddenly JJ turned back and stopped in front of her. Her hand was caught between JJ's hand & the bodyguard's, and she accidentally grasped his hand. She said that JJ's hand was really warm and smooth ♥

- When my friend gave JJ the letter, he received it very politely & gently.

- After that he got on the car and left.

- Ah~ I'm happy to be a Jaejoong's fan~

Source: shachong's Twitter
Translation: linhkawaii @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com
{ One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact.

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