
[TRANS] 110303 3HREE VOICES Staff Account 3

"Eldest son Jaejoong… middle child Yoochun… youngest child Junsu"

My image of Junsu was different after I met him
After seeing him on that amazing stage, I thought that, with that kind of talent, it would be hard to get close to him…

He is so pure and honest, just like a cute little brother of min (sorry, please don't get mad)… LOL

Moreover, you just can't hate him

Jaejoong was sitting in front of me and Yoochun was sitting on his left.
I would say that Yoochun is like a staff officer of leader Jaejoong? (It's my first image of them. That time was my first time meeting them)

Then, Junsu was sitting by himself on the sofa on the left… putting his legs on the sofa relaxingly

Then, regarding the Tokyo theme, when we started to ask each of them about where they want to go, whom they want to meet, what kind of thoughts they have at each place… they got excited

Glancing at Junsu on the left, he was sulking because he would be all by himself…
Jaejoong and Yoochun will go to Tokyo together, but because of his conflicting schedule, Junsu will go by himself

While the other 2 are troubling the staffs, being excited saying stuffs like "I want to go to the hot spring! I want to go to the hauted house Fuji Q Highland (T/N: which, btw, is the world's largest haunted house)! I want to go to to Okinawa! I want to go to Egypt!", Junsu was sulking like "Hmmm I will be by myself"… LOL

Then, Jaejoong stood up, walked to Junsu and gave him a hug

Jaejoong is so gentle… Junsu who was acting a bit like a spoiled child also gives all his trust to Jaejoong… Then, Yoochun was also smiling looking over them

It's that time that I felt like they're just like cute puppies who are innocent and playful
I think Jaejoong is like an older brother to Junsu who also makes him happy. I could feeling their brotherhood there. Now that I think about it, Yoochun is like the middle child amongst the 3 of them, and Junsu would be the youngest one.

In order word, they have a strong unity… They are tied with a strong sense of mutual trust… That kind of relationship is a solid one
They all have different characteristics, but when you put them together, they are JYJ… There's no doubt that they show a terrifically strong power.

That's why I wanted to join them yesterday… The aura that the 3 of them give off is very amazing

Source: JYJ Staff Blog
Translation: linhkawaii @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com
{ One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact.

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