
[TRANS] 110306 3HREE VOICES Staff Account

"Jaejoong - A leader with strong sense of responsibility"

One day

I was heading towards the location
I was asked all of the sudden to conduct an interview with Jaejoong… while I was sitting in the car, I was thinking, "let's ask him this and that" and make voice memo in my iPhone

When I got to the location, there were already a lot of staff there
Maybe it's because I was so nervous that I didn't even notice that Jaejoong was calling out for me (unbelievable…)
I confusedly raised my hand response to him

We sat at opposite sides of each other
Somehow… since everyone was watching… I was thinking that it would be a little bit difficult to converse with each other…

… He said, "Should we relax a little bit?"

Then, dragging on his words playfully, he said, "Relax~"

Then, thanks to him I was able to get rid of my nervousness and asked him several questions

Since the theme was Tokyo, there were many questions on keywords of "Tokyo"… and as the conversation developed, there came other talks too

There were even talks like "What food and what kind of food do you cook for Yoochun? How about Junsu?" - I was able to ask the questions I wanted to in with a calm attitude

After we finished with the last question, we both stood up, shook hand, and he hugged me
For him, a hug is a must
He wants to conceives his feelings properly. He's such a wonderful person. Such manner makes me admire him more and more

However, I felt like there was something that he wasn't satisfied about…

After a while, he said one more time
"This one, a lot of people would be watching it right? If the theme is about Tokyo, wouldn't it mean that only Japanese people would understand it?… I want to leave messages to people in other countries too"

Amazing. To think of something to that extend
There was actually nothing wrong with the content of the questions, but I wanted to deliver his feelings properly

"Do you want to do it one more time?"

Then, we sat down once again and talked about different things such as his thoughts about other countries

This time, he was satisfied
I'm very glad that we had the interview one more time without any hesitation.

He has a very great understanding.
He understands perfectly what kind of things to conceive to his fans. I think that's why he was unsatisfied before.
Such a strong sense of responsibility…
There are a lot of things JYJ are burdened with, but he is the one who firmly pull them all together. That's why Yoochun and Junsu also put all their trust on him.

He is like the character An-chan in the drama "Hitotsu Yane no Shita" LOL
Is it only me who think of it that way?

T/N: The staff deleted this post once before. People assumed that it's because fans attack him for calling Jaejoong "leader". He explained it clearly at the beginning of this post that he deleted the post not because of antis or anything, but of one comment complaining that he only talked about Jaejoong. He said he would also talk about Yoochun and Junsu in the future.

Source: 3HREE VOICES Staff Blog
Translation: linhkawaii @ OneTVXQ.com
Credits: OneTVXQ.com
{ One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact.

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